Chapter Five

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The next morning i got ready for school although i clearly didn't want to go. They dropped me off at school with mom lecturing me about everything being ok, when we all knew none of this wasn't ok. I didn't tell her about the picture because then she would show up at school and make things worst then everybody would know that i was a rich kid.

I walked in school with everybody looking and laughing at me, it must be the picture. I walked to my locker trying my best to not look at any of them.

"Everybody saw the picture," i heard Casie's voice then locked my locker and saw her looking at me.

"I guess you saw it too," she spoke a while after she saw that i wasn't gonna answer.

"I'm sorry i shouldn't have brought it up," she looked around then at me.

"It's ok," i swang on my bag and started off. I had English.

"Wait...i said i was sorry," i heard her coming behind me.

"Ally," she called at me as she caught up with me.

"Ally," she grabbed my arm and i flashed off her hand.

"Why are you being so stuck-up? I'm trying to be your friend," she said and i looked away from her.

"I have class to get to," i said and was about to walk off when she grabbed my arm again.

"Answer me...i have noticed how you react when people touch you...what's wrong? You can tell me," she tried every way to look in my eyes as i kept looking away.

"You wouldn't understand ok," i said and she sighed.

"Ally...i wanna be your friend...i wanna get to know you, but everytime i try you push me off," she spoke and i sighed.

"You're really good at trying to make friends but i didn't say i want a friend," i spoke and she held onto my arm and i looked at her hand.

"I know you're hiding something and i know it's huge..and i know that's the reason why you're too afraid to talk to people or let them touch you

"I don't wanna talk about it now ok," i said and she sighed and let go.

"Ok..whenever your ready, but you should know that i would never hurt you," she smiled.

"I've got to get to class, later," she rubbed my shoulder smiling then started off to her class and i watched her as she disappeares around a corner.

I looked around the hallway and that's when i notice that it was almost empty. I sighed and headed to class.

When i got there, class had already started...great, i rolled my eyes and entered.

"In statistic-" the teacher stopped when she saw me and everyone turned to look at me. The next thing i know some of them started chuckling.

"Miss.Jackson, so wonderful of you to join're late take a seat," she smiled at me then got serious as she ended and the class chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and walked to a seat in the back but a boy put his foot on the seat as i was about to sit and some of them chuckled.

I looked away from them to find another seat, but that was the only one and he purposely put his foot on it grinning away.

"Miss.Jackson take a seat or keep standing, any one you prefer but we need to get on with the lesson," i heard the teacher and everyone looked back at me and the boy took his feet off the seat and i sat.

"Welcome back yogurt," the boy whispered to me as the teacher continued on with the lesson.

That was when i realised he was, Malcom Rogers, one of Jesse's Friend. I rolled my eyes and looked away from him and the others who were looking at me and laughing.

It was now my third class, the one before lunch and i was on my way to the bathroom. It was minutes away from lunch but i really had to go, i don't think i could hold it any longer.

I went in used the bathroom and was now washing my hands. I drew up the sleeves of my hoodie and looked at my wrist, the bruises were light but also noticable. They were from when dad use to tie me up whenever he was ready to use me because i always tried to fight him off.

I was done and now on my way back to class but as i turned the corner of the hall i bumped into someone. I swore thought i was gonna fall but i held on to the person's top and two hands gripped the upper part of my arms and my chest came in contact with the person's chest.

"Woops," i heard a familiar voice and when i looked at the person it was the brown hair boy from the cafeteria.

"Oh, it's you," he looked at me like he knew me. He was so cute, i looked at his face to his chest and i realised i was still holding on to him and let go.

"Oh I'm sorry," he let go of my arms and smiled. And i swallowed hard as i replayed his smile in my head.

"You're the girl that they threw the yogurt on right?" He asked and i felt embarrassed.

He looked at me weird and i looked away from him.

"I'm really sorry for what Jesse did...he's just such a jerk," he spoke.

"And it wasn't funny at was so immature," he spoke and i looked at him. Who was he to call Jesse a jerk and immature.

"Look who it is," i heard a voice from behind me then i looked back and saw Monica's evil smile.

"Miss.Yogurt," she lauged then i saw sasha come around too.

"Monica, what do you want?" The boy looked to her annoied as she came to stop beside him.

"I wanna know why you're talking to her?"she looked at me with her face all scrunched up in disgust.

"I talk to anyone i want to ok," he sounded irritated.

"But not her, she's so...weird," she rolled her eyes at me.

"So," he folded his arms.

" shouldn't talk to her," sasha came in and i rolled my eyes.

"Sasha shut up," he sounded irritated.

"She wears long sleeves...she's so...weird," she looked at me in disgust and i was so sick of it now. I can't take it anymore.

I started to walk away when the bell rang and the hallway slowly started to fill up with students.

"Ally wait," i heard the boy but i didn't turn to look at him i just continued walking. How did he know my name?

"Let her go..she's not worth it," i heard Monica and i sighed.

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