Chapter Four

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We took Casie home then we headed to my house. I got in the house and saw Miss Martha the lady that took care of things while we were gone, she was like our maid, but more family than servant.

"Goodevening Miss Martha," I locked the door then dropped my bag to the side. "Goodevening Miss Ally, no bags there," she went and took up the bag.

"Can you put it in the study please?" I begged with clasped hands then she smiled and shook her head.

"Ok," she said and I smiled then headed up the stairs.

As I entered my room my phone rang, it was my mother.  "Hey mom," I slumped down on the bed.

"Hey sweetie, how was it?" She asked and I rolled my eyes as I remembered what happened.

"I don't wanna talk about it," I groaned as I got up and started taking off my shoes.

"Honey?" I heard her then I frowned.

"Mom, I just don't want to talk about it ok, it was horrible and I don't want to talk about it," I got up and put my shoes in the closet then started taking off my hoodie.

"I'm sorry, tomorrow will be better," she said.

"I'm not going tomorrow," i said hastily.

"Yes you are, I already told you, school is not an option," she spoke sternly.

"Uhhrrrr," I screamed then frowned.

"We'll talk later when I get home," she said then hang up and I drop myself unto the floor.

I turned my head to the side and I was now looking in the mirror. I looked at the scars on my hands and shoulders, then I sighed.

I took up my phone to check the time when I saw that I got a facebook notification so I decided to check it.

"Omg," I was shocked to see what I saw.

There was a picture of me with my hair covered in yogurt on Facebook.

That bitch Monica.

She posted it, and tagged me, this is not happening. Now the whole world could see me cover in something that looked like semen and it already got 1k likes. I laid back on the floor and closed my eyes. God be with me.

Later that night...

I was in my room just laying across the bed when I heard the door open then I eased up to look and see who it was.

"Hey," I saw my mom walking over to me and I lay back down.

"Are you ok?" She asked softly.

"That's like the stupidest question you could ever ask me right now mom," I answered not looking at her.

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to be nice," I felt her hand playing in my hair, brushing it lightly.

"Well, out of everyone I know, there are only about five people who are nice to me," I spoke lazily.

"Five?" She asked.

"Yes five, you, Miss Martha, David, My Math Teacher... and Casie," I said.

"Who's Casie?" She asked sounding clueless.

"That's a girl who's been really nice to me today, even when I was being a bit of a jerk," I answered.

"You were being a jerk?" She asked surprised.

"Kind of, she was annoying me and kept telling me what to do," I said then sighed.

"Wait, you made a friend? Honey that's a good thing," mom spoke and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want any friends ok," I spoke and felt her brush my hair.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because I just feel better being by myself," I said slowly.

"Honey you're not gonna make it in life if you don't socialize with others," mom spoke and I rolled my eyes again.

"Mom, you don't understand, they say bad things about me ok," I got up and turned to look at her.

"Everybody isn't gonna be nice honey, some people just aren't gonna like you," she pushed my hair behind my ear.

"I know but you're not getting what I'm saying," I got frustrated then what happened in the lunchroom replayed in my head and my eyes filled with water, "nobody is nice to me ok, they're all mean," I said and the tears came streaming down my face.

"Oh honey," mom pulled me in for a hugged and I cried harder.

"Nobody-at-that school-likes me," I tried to make out my sentence while crying and she brushed my hair back softly.

"I'm so sorry honey," she rested her head on mine and I heard her sigh.

"They always-try to hu-humiliate me mo-mom," i cried resting my head on her chest and hugging on to her.

"Not everybody is gonna like you baby," she rubbed my hair and hushed me.

"I know b-but they ha-hate me t-to the ex-extreme lim-mit," I cried and she continued to hushed me.

"It's gonna be ok honey, just get some rest, I bet tomorrow will be better," she spoke and I looked at her defeated and nodded then she wiped my face.

"Lets get you tucked in," she spoke while I fixed myself and rested my head on my pillow.

"Mom am not five," I said when she drew the covers over me.

"To others you're not but you're my little five year old," she smiled then kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight sweetie," she walked off.

"Goodnight mom," I answered her and switched the lights off.

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