17 - Shaving Cream

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It's been over week and I still haven't found her. Nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be found. She's always been good at that. Hiding. Keeping a low profile.

I was getting annoyed. I was no longer calm about finding her. The slight flickering flame to seek her out had now turned into a burning inferno. I had always gotten what I wanted when it came to her and now she's still finding a way to slip through my fingers.

She can't be far. She's never been good at running, only hiding. And it won't be long until her game of hide and seek is over and I'll finally get to finish what I started.



"Vanilla or chocolate?" I asked Niall as I held up the two tubs of ice cream for him to choose. He eyed both of the tubs, pondering his answer before answering, "both."

"Niall,"I chuckled, "that wasn't a choice." Although, I wasn't complaining. I closed the freezer and grabbed two spoons from the drawer. "You better not be sick," I warned as I handed him one.

"No promises," he winked before walking out into the living room. Everyone else, including Shay who said she would stay in with me tonight, left to go to the movies to watch some horror film I wasn't too found of. Niall, being the only considerate one left, chose to stay with me. I still haven't gotten completely over my freak out about Cameron the other day and I'm pretty sure staying home alone wouldn't help my nerves. "What shall it be?" Niall asked, sapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um, what are the choices?" I questioned.

"Ugh, Carter, I just listed off like ten different movies," he complained.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"We're watching The Conjuring," he concluded.

"NO!" I yelled and he jumped at my sudden outburst, "I'd rather give up chocolate for a month than watch that." He gasped at my proposition and slowly placed the movie back on the shelf.

"I don't even know who you are anymore," he whispered.

"I don't even know why we have that movie," I said while shivering slightly.

"Fine, what 'bout The Avengers," he tried again.

"Much better," I laughed and breathed out a loud sigh of relief. Niall popped the movie into the DVD player and grabbed the tub of chocolate ice cream from the table before sitting down on the spot next to me on the couch. I cleared my throat loudly and he looked over at me questionably.

"Vanilla please," I held my hand out for him to place the tub in it. He rolled his eyes before grabbing it and shoving it at me. "Thank you," I mocked.

"You're welcome," he answered in a girly voice. I chuckled slightly before popping off the lid of the ice cream and picking up a huge spoonful.

About two and a half hours later the end credits were rolling across the screen as I looked at the time. 11:47. The rest of the gang should be back in a few minutes. I look over to my right to find Niall laying there, empty tub of chocolate ice cream in his left hand and his spoon in the right as he snores lightly, indicating that he's asleep. Ugh. "Niall," I tried. Nothing, not even a slight stur. "Niall!" I tried again. Still nothing. Guess we'll do it the hard way. Just as I was about to yell his name in his ear, I got a better idea. A much better idea. I ran upstairs and looked in my shower. Bingo. Before running back downstairs, I went into Shays room to find the second object I needed and found it conveniently perched on her book shelf. I made my way back down to the sleeping boy on my couch, grinning to myself. This is gonna be good. I removed both the tub and the spoon from his hands before replacing them with handfuls of shaving cream. I held the feather up to his nose, not taking long for him to wiggle his nose in his sleep. I tried once more and got the exact reaction that I was looking for as he lifted up his hand to hit his face, splattering the shaving cream all over his face. Quickly snapping a picture with my phone, I ran behind the couch shaving cream in one and and the feather in the other.

"Carter," Niall called my name, voice deeper than normal due to his slight slumber. "Carter!" he called again. I squirted another handful into my palm before reaching my hand up from behind the couch to smack his cheek, not failing to have some spare chunks of shaving cream to hit the couch. "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!" he screamed before turning around to be met by my smirking face.

"Smack cam," I whispered before getting up and running for cover in the kitchen. Bad idea considering the kitchen has no exit except for the one Niall was now standing in front of. Oh no.

"You. Say goodbye, missy because you are done," he was now the one smirking as he slowly started to step towards me.

"Ni-Niall. Wh-what are you doing," I stuttered.

"Oh nothing," he replied innocently, knowing exactly that he was planning something.

"Niall, step back," I warned.

"Why? Is little Miss Carter...scared?" he was now taunting me.

"N-no," my voice betrayed me, not only stuttering but also cracking. He kept coming closer until he was less than a foot away from my face, his height over me making him seem even more threatening. I couldn't help but giggle as I looked at his shaving cream covered face. He raised his eyebrows in amusement. "You think this is funny?"

"No," I rushed before smacking my hand over my mouth to keep me from laughing or saying anything stupid.

"Good." Then he turned and walked right out of the kitchen leaving me confused and relieved at the same time. I left the kitchen to go clean up the couch, figuring Niall was in the bathroom cleaning up his face. "Hey! you might wanna shave while you're at it...oh wait, you don't have any facial hair," I mocked.

"You think you're so clever don't you." Crap. Before I could turn around or reply I felt a cold substance hit my hair. He did not. I turned around to face Niall, shaving cream falling from my now sticky hair, a wicked glare on my face. "Why do we always seem to get into these kinds of wars?" he innocently asked me.

"I don't know Niall. I'm really not sure," I said as I reached up and grabbed a chunk of the cream and flicking it at him. "You tell me."

A knock on the front door stopped him from getting another shot at spraying the stuff in my face. Thank you. I quickly turned and ran for the door not even looking to see who it was.

"What the bloody hell happened to you?" A confused looking Mason asked as he stepped into the house.

"Um, nothing," I said rocking back and forth on my toes before hearing Niall come up behind me. We made eye contact for a quick second before saying, "he did it" and "she did it" at the same time. He gave me a nasty glare as I returned the favor. Mason just shook his head as Shay laughed behind him and all four boys giving Niall a high five and I'm pretty sure I heard one of them say, "way to get it, man."

"The only thing he got was a big fat loss," I smirked at the five of them before turning off to get myself clean of this substance. Niall cleared his throat making me turn around and without saying anything he tossed me the shaving cream can I used against him. I looked down at it and looked back up at him. "You might need that," he said, crooked smile on his face.

"Only because you don't," I teased and ran upstairs but not before hearing Niall grunt in defeat.

Ah, how I love pranks.



Fluff, fluff, and more fluff but you're lying if you say they're not perfect for each other.

Hehe, I'm so excited for Cameron to start making random appearances. Get ready.

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