11 - Get Out of My Head

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This photo of Britt (Carter) is gah, I can't take it.




We sat around the fire for a good hour or so before Liam announced that we had to get going. I knew that leaving was the last thing I wanted to do, but then again, I was getting eaten alive by bugs.

"But Liam, I don't wanna gooooo," Louis complained.

"I second that notion," I said, raising my hand in confirmation.

"Boys, we've been here for almost five hours. I'm pretty sure Paul is going to wonder where we are and what's taking so long," Liam announced, trying to convince us to leave with him. Psh, good luck with that one mate.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about Paul. Weren't we supposed to be here asking if there are any auto shops around?" Harry asked.

"Yes, we were so in that case, Carter do you know if any auto shops that could possibly fix our tour bus?" Liam questioned the blonde girl sitting next to me.

"Uh...no?" She put it as more of a question, not really knowing for sure.

"Well okay then, problem solved. Let's stay here," I stated.

"No, Niall. We're leaving. No if's, and's or butt's," Liam ordered. Ugh, lighten up. "Sorry guys, but we need to get going. Thanks for having us."

"Yeah, no problem. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," Carter laughed. God, now I really don't want to leave.

"Liam pleeeeeease! Why can't we stay a bit longer?" I pleaded, practically begging at his feet.

"Niall, get up off the ground and let's go. Say your goodbyes." Way to ruin all the fun.

"Fine," I said, finally giving in, "but I'm not going to forgive you easily." I whispered the last part to him and he just looked at me like I was crazy. I turned around and started my goodbyes with Mason, who seemed like a pretty nice guy. Turns out we have a lot in common. "See ya round, Mason. Nice to meet you," I said while giving him one of those 'bro hugs'.

"You too, mate," he replied and bro hugged me back. Next, I turned to Shay and gave her a hug. "Have a good summer."

"Thanks. Enjoy your world tour," she said, chuckling.

"I'll try my very best," I replied, laughing along with her. Lastly was Carter. I turned towards her and gave her one of my famous 'Horan Hugs'.

"Bye, Niall," she whispered.

"Bye, Carter." I didn't want to let her go. Ever. I stayed there hugging her for longer than I probably should've, but I couldn't let her go. Once I finally let her go I looked at her and said, "this won't be the last of me." She just chuckled and looked right back at me.

"You still owe me that football match, Horan."

"I'll be back," I said in my best Terminator voice.

"See you soon then?" She asked once she was done laughing.

"See you soon then," I repeated back to her.

"Mate, come on. We gotta get back," Harry called as I took my first step away from her. "Coming," I said as I took one last look at her and turned away.

"Hopefully we'll see you all again sometime," Zayn said as we all turned and walked away from the three new friends we had made.

One, in particular, had made the night special.

"Look alive!" Louis screamed as he slapped me in the face.

"Bloody hell, Louis! What was that for?!"

"Sorry, you spaced out," Louis apologized. "We're almost back at the bus." I looked up and saw the bus up ahead. I must've been spaced out for a while, with only one thing passing through my head.

I needed to see her again.



"HOLY FISH FAT! WE JUST MET ONE DIRECTION!! WHAT ARE THE FREAKING ODDS OF THAT HAPPENING? LIKE ONE IN FIVE HUNDRED MILLION?!" I sat on the couch as Shay 'fangirled'. Currently, she's still in shock that she had even seen them in person.

"Shay would you please shut up! You're giving me a headache!" Mason screamed at her from his position next to me on the big comfy couch.

"Would you both stop yelling? I'm going to go take a shower," I announced, getting up from the plush seating.

"Sorry," they both mumbled.

"Now was that so hard?" I joked.

"I'm just waiting for you to leave so I can start screaming again," Shay laughed.

"Nope. I'm out," Mason said, excusing himself from the room. I stepped out of the living room and headed for my room. I grabbed my pj's and started up the shower, stripped down, and hopped in. I let the hot water cover every inch of my sweaty and sandy body as I broke into song. What's a shower without a performance? Once I had finished belting Pompeii by the one and only Bastille, I couldn't help myself. "Thank you! Thank you very much! I'll be here all night" I announced to my 'audience'. I finished up my shower and got changed into my sweats and Imagine Dragons band t-shirt. Saying a quick goodnight to my two best friends, I hopped into my bed and closed my eyes. A few moments later, I was slipping into a blanket of darkness.



"Night Niall," Harry said, as he shuffled off into his bunk.

"Night." I was the last one up and was completely exhausted, but I couldn't fall asleep. Every time I tried to drift off, my mind would go crazy with images of Carter. I finally had given up and was on my phone, hoping I would just magically go to sleep. I opened my twitter and scrolled through my news feed. Nothing new. I then opened my notifications and DM's, finding nothing out of the ordinary. The same old 'follow me!' 'I'm your biggest fan!' I followed a few fans with meaningful messages and posts. I looked at my clock that showed 5:48 am. Ugh! We got back at the bus around 3 and all the boys had gone to bed as soon as they walked through the door and Harry had gone to bed around 3:30. I needed sleep but my request wasn't being accepted. I let out a huge sigh, running my hands over my face in frustration. Why? I just met her. Why is it that she's the reason I can't think straight? Maybe if I saw her just one more time, she wouldn't overpower my thoughts.

With that, I grabbed my shoes, phone, and guitar and snuck out of the bus, leaving my best mates behind me.



I thought it was in my dream. The continuous peaceful sounds of an instrument being played through my head over and over again. However, as I slowly awakened from my deep sleep, I realized that it wasn't my dream. I was actually hearing something coming from downstairs. Curiosity got the best of me as I shook myself from the tangle of sheets and pillows and headed for the stairs. Slowly, I tiptoed down the wooden stairs one by one, not knowing who or what was in the living room. Each step came a louder sound, which I confirmed to be a guitar as well as a soft hum along with it. Once I had gotten to the bottom of the stairs, I had peaked around the staircase to see if the coast was clear. And it's a go! I continued to tiptoe across the hardwood until I was against the kitchen wall. Peering around the side, I looked into the living room to see an object sitting on the couch. What the bloody hell? Did Shay lock the doors before going to bed?! Immediately my self defense system went up. Quickly, yet quietly, I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a sharp kitchen knife. Hey, you can never be too safe. I inched myself towards the end of the wall and being the terrible klutz I am, I stubbed my toe on the wall.

Dear lord I'm going to die. The person heard me and is going to kill me. This is it. This is the end of me. Tonight, I will be lifted into the heavens and when I get there I will proudly claim that I am dead because I stubbed my toe.

"Carter?" Wait, I know that voice. Is that...


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