13 - 20 Questions

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"Oooooooh Haz!!! It's time to wake up!!!" Someone was yelling at me from outside my bunk curtain. I ignored the pestering voice, throwing my duvet over my head only for it to be thrown off of me. "I said, time to get up!"

"BLOODY HELL, LOUIS! Give me my fucking duvet back!" Well what a wonderful way to wake up.

"No!" Louis screamed and ran away with the plush fabric. I jumped off my bunk and ran after my insane friend.


"If you're ready come and get it!" Once I was finally close enough to him to attack, I pounced on top of crazy 22 year old. "Ha!"

Louis just grunted and attempted to shove me off of his body with great attempt. Thanks to the gym, the boy continued to be pined beneath me.

"Hey guys, where's Nia- what the heck?" I looked up to see Liam with his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised. Louis and I just gave him an innocent smile as he pulled me off of my victim. "As I was saying," Liam gave us both death glares and I just shrugged as I wrapped the duvet back around my body, "have you guys seen Niall?"

Louis looked around and answered, "er...no?"

Liam looked at me as if I knew something. I just threw myself onto the couch, placing myself into the fetal position. "Haven't seen him," I mumbled. Just then, a tired looking Zayn walked into the main part of the bus, which was, in fact, still broken.

"Zayn, have you seen Niall?" Liam questioned the black haired boy.

"I don't know. Maybe," he replied groggily. In case you haven't noticed yet, Zyan and I aren't found of waking up early, especially after a long night.

"So that's a no?" Louis laughed.

"Yeah, it's a no."

Liam groaned, "where could he possibly have gone? It's only 8 o'clock, he doesn't know where anything is if he wanted food!"

"Mate, calm down. I'm sure he'll come back sooner or later," Louis offered. I wasn't as concerned as I probably should be, but I was tired and I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"He could be with Carter," I grumbled, offering to help. The boys stayed silent for too long, which made me look up from the pillow my face was buried in.

"But...why?" Liam sounded confused, but I knew exactly why he would've been over there. And because Niall makes everything way too obvious, I just had to mock him.

"Cos he liiiiiikes her."



I'm not sure how long the two of us were sitting on the couch for, but I'm pretty sure it was a good hour and I was starting to get tired. But this game was just too dang interesting.

"Most embarrassing moment?" Yep, Niall Horan and I were playing 20 questions and it was my turn to answer.

"Oh god, no!" I moaned.

"Nope, you have to answer!" Niall insisted.

"Ugh fine! When I was about 14, I was at this sleepover and we were playing truth or dare, terrible game if I may add. Anyways, I chose dare and my evil friends thought it would be funny for me to ask out this guy that I had, like, the biggest crush on. So, of course, I had to do it that following Monday. I went up to the guy and asked him if he wanted to go to the movies one day and he looked at me terrified and was like 'uh no sorry, I can't. I'm, uh, blind' then he ran away," I finished trying my best to act sad as Niall sat there with his eyes wide and mouth open. "Say something please," I begged. My only answer was him bursting into hysterics and I couldn't help but giggle along with him.

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