thirty two

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I wish it was possible for me to stay home from school and not have to worry about my grades but clearly it doesn't work that way. Christmas break but this guy into complete lazy mode. This morning it was a struggle getting myself and Skylar out of bed. I almost walked out of my apartment without pants, that's how messed up I was. But when I got to school and saw my baby Dinah I started to feel a whole lot better. Seeing Arin for the first time in a log time made me want to punch him in the face but I realized that he wasn't worth my time.

I made it through my first two classes without falling asleep which was a good thing. Dinah and I walked through the hall hand in hand looking like we ran shit. We got to creative writing and I had to remember where my seat was, then I remembered I sat next to Masi goofy ass.

"Y/N I got a question." Masi said.

"No Masi I will not hook you up with any of my single homegirls." I said.

Masi sucked his teeth, "I wasn't even gonna ask you that. I wanna know what the hell did your stupid cheating ass did to win my cousin back?" He asked.

"Shut the hell up Masi and mind your damn business." Dinah said.

"Yeah you heard my baby, shut the hell up and mind your business Masi." I said.

I leaned over and kissed Dinah on the cheek, "I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Dinah said.

"You wanna come with me to see my sister after school?" I asked.

"Sure." Dinah said.

After finding out Yasmine was pregnant it really took me by surprise. I  went by the house to see how she was doing and as expected she wasn't doing too well. Mom was so upset when she found out about Yasmine being pregnant. Now what everyone wants to know is if Yasmine is going to keep the baby or not. Whatever Yasmine decides to do I'm going to support her decision. I hate that this had to happen to her now though. Yasmine was doing so good, she got out of jail and she turned her life around for the better. She got her GED while she was locked up, she's working at the barbershop and she was planning on going to barber school so she could get her license. Now this happens, I swear good things don't last always.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, good morning!" Mrs. Johnson said full of enthusiasm.

"Good morning Mrs. Johnson." The class said dryly.

"Y'all really don't want to be here do you?" She asked.

"Nope." All of us said.

"I feel the same way class. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, I know I did. But I want to know what you guys did for the holidays." Mrs. Johnson said.

She went around the class and asked each of us what we did while we were on break. I swear hearing these rich kids brag about their vacations to Aspen or the Hamptons made me sick. One day I'm gonna make enough money to take my family to nice places like that.

"Y/N what did you do on Christmas break?" Mrs. Johnson asked.

"I was in the hospital for most of my break." I said.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I got jumped by this douchebag when all I wanted to do was wish my mother a Merry Christmas. It's cool though, he didn't kill me but he definitely got his payback." I said.

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