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I'm a little nervous about tonight. My baby sister is going on her first date with Giovanni. Even though Dinah hates my guts right now she came by to help Skylar get ready for her date. So while she's upstairs getting pretty I'm going to be interrogating the little guy. All I know is he better come correct if he wants to take my princess on a date.

I went upstairs and knocked on Skylar's door, "May I come in princess?"

"No you may not, I'm still getting ready." Skylar said.

"Okay I'll be downstairs waiting on you." I said.

I went back downstairs and before I could sit down the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Giovanni was standing there holding some flowers in his hands.

"Hello Mr. Y/L/N." Giovanni said.

"Hi Giovanni, come on in buddy." I said.

Before I closed the door his mom waved at me from the car. I lowkey have a crush on his mom. We went into the living room and I took a seat in my mom's recliner. Giovanni hopped on the couch and started twiddling his thumbs. For this kid to be only five years old he dresses really well. He had this white button down on with a maroon bow tie that had little white anchors on it, a navy blue blazer, navy blue pants, and a pair of black Vans.

"So kid where do you plan on taking my sister tonight?" I asked.

"I'm taking Skylar out for a night on the town. We're gonna go to the movies, then we're having dinner at Red Lobster, then we'll go have ice cream, and I'll bring her home after that." Giovanni said.

"Okay big spender, but how does your other girlfriend feel about you taking my sister on a date?" I asked.

"Y/N my mommies raised me to be a gentlemen not a player. Girls are supposed to be cherished not played with. If love a girl you should treat her right and not break her heart. I care about Skylar and I would never hurt her, especially after all she's done for me." Giovanni said.

"What exactly has my sister done for you young man?" I asked.

"It's nothing dirty Y/N. Early this year I thought my mommies were gonna get a divorce and it made me really sad. But Skylar always said something to make me feel better. So since she was there for me I was there for her when your mommy passed away and by the way I'm really sorry about that." Giovanni said.

"I see. But thank you for being there when our mother passed away, it really meant a lot to me and Skylar." I said.

"It was nothing, Skylar needed me and I was there. The other girls in my class flirt with me all the time but they haven't be there for me like Sky has. Why mess up something good for something that's not gonna matter down the road?" Giovanni said.

The moment when you realize a five year old is smarter than you are. Giovanni must've known what I was going through because his advice came at the right moment. I really felt like a dumbass when I thought about the mess I've done. I ruined what I had with Dinah over a quick fuck. Hopefully Dinah can forgive me.

"Here she comes." Dinah yelled from the top of the stairs.

Giovanni and I stood up to see Skylar come down the stairs. My little princess looked so pretty in her outfit that Dinah bought her. Giovanni was at a lost for words when he saw my sister.

"Hi Gio." Skylar said.

"Hi Skylar, you look gawjuss." Giovanni said.

Skylar started blushing, "Thank you and you look handsome." She said.

I Got You (Normani/You/Dinah)Where stories live. Discover now