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I don't know how I'm going to make it through the day. It's my mother's funeral and I'm just not prepared for this.

Dinah got up and made breakfast for us this morning but I didn't have much of an appetite. Dinah's helping Skylar get ready while I get ready. I shaved last night and now I'm combing my hair. I think after today I'm just going let it grow out for awhile. Kinda getting tired of having to cut it so often. I put on my dress shirt and buttoned the buttons. I picked up the red tie that was on my dresser and began tying it around my neck.

"You look handsome." Dinah said.

"Thanks babe, this was my dad's suit." I said.

"It looks really good on you." Dinah said.

I put on my vest and then my blazer. Dinah got up and straightened my collar for me. She took the lint brush and went over my blazer a few times.

"Now I'm ready, I think." I said.

"I'm right here with you babe." Dinah said.

I kissed Dinah on the forehead and we went downstairs to join my little sister. Skylar was just sitting in the recliner with her head down. I kneeled down beside her chair and stroked her cheek, "You look beautiful princess." I said.

"I don't wanna go to the funeral Y/N." Skylar said.

"I know princess but have to. Dinah and I are going to be right there with you." I said.

"Okay." Skylar said.

Dinah and I sat down on the couch and waited for the rest of our family to show up. The people from the funeral home came and did their thing. Then we got into the family cars and headed to the church. Skylar cuddled up to me and didn't say anything the entire ride. I was quiet too, Dinah held my hand to make me feel better. The closer we got to the church the sicker I began to feel. I started sweating and my stomach started churning. When we got to the church I had to take a minute and pull myself together.

The pastor came out and greeted the family before escorting us in. When we walked in I was surprised by the amount of people that was there. A lot of people from my school where there, some of my dad's Marine friends, and a whole lot of it family members. Some of these people I haven't seen since I was little kid.

Slowly we walked up the aisle towards my mom's casket. The closer we got Skylar began squeezing my hand even tighter. My mother looked so beautiful in her white dress, she looked like an angel. My mother really was an angel, our angel, now she finally gets her wings.

"Goodbye mommy, I love you." Skylar said.

I leaned down and kissed my mom on the cheek, "I love you too mama." I whispered.

Dinah, Skylar, and myself took our seats and waited for the rest of the family to view my mom's body. Aunt Linda took it really hard because her and my mom were best friends. They were always on the phone gossiping, watch soap operas together, and they always went shopping together.

I looked at my mom's obituary and it's exactly what she wanted. There were a bunch of pictures of my mom when she was younger and there were some pictures of the whole family. We looked so good together, now the only ones left are me, Skylar, and Yasmine. I was looking at the program and I noticed that Dinah was going to sing instead of Lauren, but Lauren was going to read a poem that she wrote.


So far I've done a good job of holding it together but I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to do this. My aunt and one of my mom's closest friends said some really nice remarks about my mom. They even told some stories that made us laugh.

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