Hearing his footsteps as he walks to the toilet. Placing down the white shirt and one of his underwear. Hearing the bathroom door closing as Demi quickly finish cleaning herself. Grabbing a towel that was next to the shower.
10 minutes later she was walking around the house in a white shirt and a pair of his boxers that covered her enough. She tried to dry her hair the best she could with a towel but it was still moist. Every time she would take a step a cold shiver would go down her spin. Hearing soft music playing as she started to follow the sound. Pushing the door as she peak her head inside to see what was happening. Harry was playing music on his small radio he had in his office. He was sitting down on his chair with papers piles next to him. She smile at him as she rest her head on the door frame. Demi would watch as he graded the papers from his classes. He look so focus. He would move his nose every other second which warm Demi's heart. Taking a step into the room which got Harry's attention. He turn around as his eyes widen as his eyes laden on Demi. She wrapped her arms around herself as she pay attention to the man that was looking at her. He smile at her as he parted his lips to speak to her.

"How are you feeling, love ?"

He look at her with concern eyes as Demi remembers why she came running to him. Demi drop her hands as she walk to the window. Looking up at the sky as she saw the clouds beginning to dark in. The weather was matching her mood as she felt like crying. She would think about Harry's question as she didn't know how to answer the question.

"Being honest "

Demi said as she turn around to look at Harry.

"I don't know how I feel."

She said truthfully as she look at Harry. He walk to her as he wrap his big arms around her small frame. Demi immediately wrap her arms his body as she breath in his aftershave. She snuggle her head into his chest as he felt so soft. Harry lay his chin on top of her head as he breath out. Hearing the rain drop on the roof was filling the house with sound as it was completely silent. Harry look down at her as she look up to look at him. Their eyes was shinning as they only needed each other. They were getting lost in each other's eyes as their faces was getting closer. Harry place his lips on top of Demi's as he gave her a soft kiss. His grip on her would get stronger as he kept on giving her sweet kisses. Demi's arms would soon be wrap around the base of his neck. Getting on her tippy toes as she tried to reach him as he's much more taller then she was. Their lips would move in complete motions, mimicking one other's. Harry tried to bring Demi's body as close as possible as he started to press their body together. He could feel Demi playing with his hair on the end of his neck. They soon let go for the lack of oxygen as they kept their forehead press to each other. Demi's hand went to his collar as she wasn't on her toes anymore. Harry still had a strong hold on her as he wasn't ready to let go. Opening his eyes to find hers staring at him. He could see her slight blush on her cheek as he smile at her. Grabbing her hand as he lead her to his office. Opening the door as he made he let go of her hand. Opening his laptop as he quickly type in his password. Pulling up Skype as he log out of his. Looking back at Demi as he smile at her.

"You can talk to your friend Nick, while I make dinner. I'll text you when it's done."

He said as he walk out of the room, not before laying a kiss on her head. Demi watch him leave the room as she walk to his desk. Finding a red plait shirt as she put it on. Logging in as she saw that he was online. Clicking his name as the call was sending. Soon his face appear with a smile on it.

"Hey Dems."

Demi smile at him as she said hi back.

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