Chapter 41

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Eleanor POV
2 months, 3 weeks, and 4 days since I last heard from him. When Taylor comes around, I hear about all the things Harry has done even though he is half-way across the world. Harry said this or You won't believe what Harry sent me..... you know what I can say? Nothing.

Louis hasn't texted, called, or skyped like he said he would. At first he called and texted everyday, but he slowly stopped calling and texting. He doesn't pick up the phone or answer my texts.

"Hey El!"

"Taylor!" We at down on the couch and turn on the TV.

"They have an interview today! Guess what? I got this package today from Harry. He sent it from Australia!"

"Cool." I say trying to be excited for my friend.

"It's on!" we turn to the TV and I instantly look at Louis.

"Hello! How are you guys?"

"Good. Australia is amazing so far and the fans are great." Liam smiles.

"So, Zayn you were seen with this brunette the other day. Anything you want to tell us?"

"She was my cousin. She moved here for college and we hung out," Zayn replies laughing.

"Hm..... Niall. You were spotted with Louis and these girls. Anything there?"

"No, we at just friends. I know them from Ireland. Like Zayn's cousin, they loved here for college." Niall smiles.

"Well, before we go who is single?"

"I am dating the wonderful Taylor Swift. I love you! Hope you liked the package!" Harry blows a kiss and the interviewer smiles.

"I'm single." Liam says smiling sheepishly.

"Single." Zayn says.

"Taken." Niall blushes.

"OH! Who?"

"Can't say yet. But she knows who she is and I care for her a lot."

"Louis, what about you? Eleanor was seen with a ring. Are you engaged?"

"No, actually we.... we are taking a break right now."

Taylor looks ate confused. What?

Louis POV
Harry frowns at me but quickly covers it with a smile.

"Really?" the interviewer asks interested.

"Yes, we decided it was for the best." I lie. The buzzer goes off and we wave goodbye.

-At Hotel-

"What was that for?" Harry roars.

I wince, "Management. They said I had to say that."

"You dick! Eleanor will be heartbroken. How could you?" He shoves me up against a wall and I groan in pain.

"I know! What was I suppose to do? They threatened to kick me out of the band!" I scream and push him off of me.

"So?! Have you even talked to her lately?"

"No, it was part of managements plan. I haven't spoken to her since I proposed."

"What?!" Harry swings at me and I just let him. I deserve it. Eleanor will be heartbroken because I couldn't grow a pair and defend our relationship.

"Harry! Stop!" Liam pulls Harry off me and Zayn helps hold him back.

"No! I will kill him! Eleanor deserves better!"

Niall gets me some ice for my eye and I lay down on bed. Eleanor will never listen to me again. Not that I blame her. Harry was right to do what he did. Eleanor and him were friends first, close friends at that, and I broke her heart.

Going over to my bag, I dig out my wallet phone. I open my wallet and stare at the picture of us. Eleanor looks so happy. Quickly, I dial her number.


"Taylor? Please, listen to me I-" I stop when I hear a sob in the background. "Was that...."

"Yeah. You really hurt her. I need to go Louis."

"No, Taylor you don't understand. Please-" I grow frantic

"Bye Louis." No! Fuck. I call over and over again but they don't pick up.

"Fuck!" I throw my phone against the wall and it breaks, the screen shattering. Pain starts to grow and I throw the lamp in my room on the floor. I destroy everything I can until Zayn comes in.

"Stop!" He grabs my wrist preventing me from shattering my laptop against the wall.

"No!" Finally, I collapse of exhaustion. Eleanor will never forgive me. My heart grows heavy as memories of her go through my mind.

"Louis, you ok?"

"No, Zayn I lost her. I proposed when Harry and I went back. It's all over. Fuck! There are so many fucking things I could have fucking done! I didn't do a damn thing. Just agreed like the little wimp I am. Harry is right. I'm a dick."

"Louis, if you just explain maybe....."

"She won't listen. Taylor has her guards up. She didn't pick up every time I called. I tried time after time after time. I lost her Zayn."

Eleanor POV
No, he..... he proposed. What? It..... it makes sense now. Him not talking to me and..... I let out a strangled sob.

"Hey, it's ok. Louis doesn't know what he's missing." I just shake my head. He said he loved me. All those things he said were lies.

"Come on Eleanor. Lets go eat or something. At least drink a glass of water." Taylor begs. I just dare blankly at the wall.

"We don't need boys! Forget Harry. Forget Louis forget guys. We don't need them." Taylor tries again.

Taylor is wrong. Louis was...... Is my world. It hurts so much. Where did we go wrong? We were happy..... or we were before he forgot me. I close my eyes and try to sleep, hopefully the pain will go away.

Note: the raven girl will no longer be in this series. The next book will be mainly about Elounor. Also, CONTEST TIME! I will end it if not enough people enter though. Send me a private message or comment below:
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