(Seven Deadly Sins) King x Reader

Start from the beginning

The captain grinned. "That's me. So what do you say?"

She glanced at me and smiled. "Sure, why not?"

The Captain lead us all up the stairs. The lunch rush was over so we could afford to have every sin upstairs and line up for Miss (Y/N) to choose from. I shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other as I stood next to Dian, but of course she barely even looked at me.

(Y/N) looked from Bon, to Merlin, to Gunther, to Meliodas, and to Dian before her eyes landed on me. She smiled and if I wasn't already holding on to Chastiefol I would've fallen over. I saw (Y/N)'s mouth move but the words never reached my ears. I glanced over and saw all the sin's looking at me. "What?" I asked. I turned back to (Y/N). "Sorry I missed that. What did you say?"

(Y/N) let out a small chuckle, it wasn't making fun of me. It was more like she was almost expecting it and was smiling at the fact that she new she was right. "I asked if you'd like to spend the day with me, King."

I felt my entire mouth go dry. She wanted me? I was the sin she chose? I looked at her smile and let it effect me too, letting my own lips spread out in a similar way. "Sure, I-I'd love too." I thanked the heavens that I didn't accidentally say you rather than too. That would've been a disaster.

(Y/N) and I went around town, she showed me all around Camelot like she said she wanted to. When I'd asked her why she said it was because she liked showing off her home, but I think it's because she had no idea what to do with a sin. We had fun though, we laughed and ate at little restaurants and spent the whole day together. At the end we were up on a far hill, about a mile away from the kingdom. We could see the tops of buildings and orchards, but the castle still seemed to rise high above us. Like it was daring us to try and go higher.

I moved Chastiefol in front of me and grew it to a pillow the size of a royal mattress. I sat down as it floated about an inch. I patted the seat next to me. "Now it's my turn to show you something about Camelot." (Y/N) sat down carefully. We began to rise and she grabbed onto my arm, sending heat coursing through my veins. "What are you doing!?" She cried as we rose even higher. She buried her face in my neck and I shivered. "Open your eyes." I said softly, after calming myself down. 

(Y/N) opened her eyes. We were hovering a few yards above the ground, the castle's highest tower only a few inches or so above us in the distance. The sun was setting behind the castle in the most beautiful scene either of us could've imagined. "Wow." (Y/N) breathed.

"Amazing isn't it?" I asked. She still hadn't let go of my arm, and now laid her head on my shoulder. My entire body felt ready to combust. "Yeah." She said softly, like if she spoke too loud it would ruin the moment. "It is."

We sat in comfortable silence until the sun was half gone. That's when I decided to ask a stupid question. "So...you're a half-sprite?" I felt (Y/N)'s body tense and immediately regretted opening my fat mouth. But it quickly relaxed again and she spoke. "Yeah, my mom was the Lady of the Lake. I watched Arthur be born and grow up....well, grow older." We both let out light laughs before falling into a small pause of silence.

"I've lived for so long." (Y/N) frowned. "I've watched my childhood friends become adults and parents, they've all moved on."

"Me too." I responded, wrapping  my arm around her. "I'm a fairy so...I had to watch friends like Dian grow up and forget me. It can be hard sometimes, but it helps to know there are people out there that understand." (Y/N) lifted her head and looked at me, and I looked straight back. I didn't realize I was leaning foreword until our noses touched and snapped me out of it. "Can...can I...?" She smiled again, like everything I did warranted a grin. "I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

I closed the gap and pressed my lips to hers, whimpering at the amazing feeling. (Y/N) let out a soft sigh out her nose and leaned even closer, her entire pressing against mine. I wrapped my arms around her frame and realized I was on my back. I rolled us over, further onto our giant pillow. (Y/N) moaned against my lips, sending vibrations down my spine and straight between my legs. I whimpered again as my mortal trousers tightened.

Reader's POV

King ran a hand over my temple, pushing a lock of hair behind my ear. I took a fistful of his hair and tugged, earning more whimpers from him. I pushed my tongue against his lips and he let out a long moan, welcoming me. I ran my tongue over his and he bucked, a hard substance hitting my abdomen. I gasped and King pulled away. "S-Sorry." He apologized, breathing heavy. "I can't control it."

I rolled my knee against his hard on, causing  a groan to erupt from his mouth. All in that beautiful voice of his. I pressed kisses over his neck and lips, capturing bits of skin and sucking roughly. King was practically trembling over me. I tugged at his jacket, letting him know I wanted it gone. He pretty much ripped it off his own body before attacking my lips with his own nibbles and licks, replacing all the blood in my system with pure adrenaline. It wasn't a minute before I yanking on his trousers, having already felt up his chest and extracted a lot of King's wonderful moans. But instead King pulled on my own clothes, wanting me just as nude as he was.

Soon the soft fabric below me and King's heat above me was all I could feel, but I wasn't complaining. His member was rubbing against my cilt, sending waves of heat through me.

King's POV

She wanted this right? I'm doing this because I had to do what she wanted until tomorrow. Not because I really, really wanted too. Of course not. She bucked and I lost what little reasoning I had. I plunged into her hot wet core and cried out, feeling her squeeze tightly. I remembered Dian's kiss, that sisterly kiss. She'd never love me, but I wasn't in love with her anymore. I hadn't loved her for the last few months.

Reader's POV

Even with the wetness I felt every groove of King's shaft. I grabbed onto him hips and moaned, babbling his name as he rolled his hips. He was grinding inside me just like he had done over my cilt a minute ago. "King!" I cried. The fairy only dug deeper, grunting and moaning. My fingers dug into his hips and I cried out, releasing. I felt dizzy as King didn't even slow down in his thrusting. The sound was enough to make me release again; the moaning and thumping and heavy breathing.

King cried out and finally released as well, collapsing into a heap. We sat in silence catching our breathes for a few minutes. It took me a while to realize that the sun was fully set and the stars were out. I knew how the position of the moon would tell the time. And it was about midnight. Sadness tightened my heart. "I guess your time is up." I said softly. "It's tomorrow."

"What?" King looked over at me. "Do you want me to go?"

"No." I said truthfully. "But if you want to I won't stop you." King took my hand in his and gave it a small squeeze. "I'm staying for as long as you want me."

I smiled, this boy was so loving in such a short time. I new that that girl Dian had clearly broken his heart, but I refused to.

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