Millard Imagine

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Hey guys I'm finally updating! Woohoo! Anyway sorry it took so long but this imagine is for FughAndHiona1!! I hope you like it!!

Millard was fidgety all through breakfast. When Miss. Peregrine dismissed everyone from the table. Millard practically jumped out of his chair did a double loop de loop, the splits, and then sprinted away. Or that's what everyone thought since Olive was just about to ask if he wanted to go with her to look at the different wild flowers and there was no response. Miss P. literally just said everyone could leave the table and Millard was outta there. Millard ran up to his room and grabbed one of the children's Grimm Fairytales storybook. He silently crept down the hall to a small door. About the size of a closet. He opened the door and there was a steep staircase. He made his way up the steps so slowly and carefully so he did not give away his location. He finally reached the top and felt the familiar cold draft. He opened the second door and the rays of sunlight found their way through the cracks.

Your POV
Inferno. Flames higher than an 8 foot tall building. Smokey air. Charred flesh. A peculiarity come to light.
My eyes as I have determined are swollen shut. My breath is shallow. Everything is still. I'm floating in a tank filled with water healing myself back from the brink of death. I do nothing but waste my days away thinking. Replaying the same awful memory again and again and again. My thoughts are treacherous unforgiving, never sparing me any of the pain and hurt. Relaying every moment in full exact detail. No need to gasp for air I take what I need from the water. My life seems grim. Squinting out of almost closed eyes only seeing blurry glimpses of the world, being isolated for something I didn't do, my only company my harsh cruel thoughts. Then there is a ray of hope. A boy. He is just as blurry as everyone else but he has no colour. I can see him through the water but he's the colour of the water, blue. His hair, his skin, his clothes all the same. It's was like he was an outline, that couldn't be possible.

Millard's POV
I find the dusty pillow I usually sit on. I drag it closer to the tank and sit, a puff of dust flys up around me. I cough and brush it away with my hand. I pull out my book from behind my back. I flip it open to a story, my favourite. The Mouse, The Bird, and The Sausage.

"Guess what? Today I brought a story for us to read, it's one of my favourites!" I tell her. She never answers. Just floats aimlessly. I don't know what it is but when I stumbled upon her it was like I knew what she was going through. Nobody even knows she's up here. It's like she's invisible. I can't help but wonder if she can hear me or maybe even see me? Perhaps, or perhaps not. Lately I've been coming up here to see her. It's like I'm drawn to her.

*Time skip to days later*

"Everyone this is Vogue." Miss Peregrine introduced to everyone to Vogue (Sorry if your name is Vogue! I tired to pick a name I didn't think anybody had but good for you if that is your name! 😄). She was pretty. Nice eyes big and brown. Long blonde hair that fell in ringlets down her back. Pale skin and big light pink lips. She was dainty and tough at the same time. I didn't really care. I wanted to go read to (Y/N), it's become a routine that everyday at the same time I would read her a new story. Today's choice was Snow White and Rose Red. I already had the book fastened tightly in my grasp.

"Everyone should take sometime today to introduce yourself to Vogue and get to know her a little better. Now run along children." Miss Peregrine placed a hand on her shoulder and shooed us away. I almost made it up the stairs when I was cut off.

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