Millard Imagine

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"Don't mind if I do." You grinned as you sat down beside Millard who was reading one of his books. He was sitting peacefully under a tree, munching on an apple and sliced cheese. You took a piece of his cheese and he turned his head toward you or so you thought, he wasn't wearing his hat at the moment.

"Hey! My cheese! Did I say you could have any?" He asked you while placing a bookmark in his book and crossing his arms.

"No." You giggled and bit into the piece smugly.

"You are down right evil you know!" He told you. "Stealing a man's cheese! Just the thought of it puts me in agony!" He cried, and threw an arm over his forehead.

"Who said you were a man?" You asked him scooting closer. You didn't know what it was but you were feeling extra flirty today and wanted to see if you could fluster Millard. He was the only boy in the loop (other than the twins but you really could tell want gender they were) you hadn't been able to faze with your charm. It wasn't that you hadn't tried it, more like he was immune to it.

"I said so. Only a man would be capable of doing what I do all day long." He told you putting away his snack and placing it beside him.

"Oh really? And what is it you do all day long that makes you so manly?" You moved even closer to Millard and placed a hand on his, it was actually luck you found it because you'd have had no idea if you were sitting on it. Normally you could tell when your victim was blushing but of course, this was Millard and you just had you assume you were at least making him slightly, intimidated.

"Well, I observe. And it takes a lot for a man to do this you know with all our bright ideas, to just sit quietly and observe." He told you matter of factly. He didn't even stutter he was still so confident.

"I see. Now, Millard do want to know a secret?" You moved even closer so a part of your long flowered dress lightly rested on his leg. You moved your hand to his leg.

"What secret is it (Y/N)?" You could tell he was eager to know. If you knew Millard like you thought you did then you knew he loved secrets.

"I think that it's so cute that you're so super smart." You told him. Hoping he would start stuttering.

"Really?" He asked. This time he scooted closer.

"Yes, of course I do." You told him lying through your teeth.

"Okay then do you want to see what I'm working on in my book?" He reached to remove the book mark and show you he page. Uggg! You thought! When I came to play with Millard I didn't want to sit here all afternoon reading his book. He started by pointing at a page with a pig on it and he started explaining.

*time skip because why not?*

"(Y/N), Millard! Miss. Peregrine says it's time for you to come to supper!" A chipper voice called. You jolted to a sitting position, last thing you remembered you were sitting with... Millard under a tree and he was showing you his book! You looked around frantically to find Millard stretching out his arms. He let out a yawn.

"Millard what happened?" You asked him while looking at the sky. The sun was setting and was lit up by a beautiful pinkish orange glow.

"Oh you fell asleep while I was reading to you and I must've fallen asleep after that." He looked around for his hat, he found it and placed it in his head.

"Oh that makes sense." You sighed, falling back onto the tree.

"Well I bet that was Claire." Millard stood up and brushed off his pants. "Miss. Peregrine probably wants us to come eat before our dinner gets cold." He offered you a hand. You're most likely right as always." You timidly took his hand.

"Millard?" You asked as you started walking. Even though you should have let go you didn't, you both kept walking hand in hand. "You know today I was just trying to bug you?" You shook your head at your petty actions.

"I know." Millard stopped and turned to you. He knew?

"You knew?" You asked shocked.

"Of course I knew, you said yourself I'm super smart." He chuckled and started walking again, this time not holding your hand. You stood still for a minute thinking about what you said. You ran to catch up with Millard.

"Millard stop." He stopped and turned to you. "Do you remember what I also said? I said I thought you were cute. That was no lie. Well, not anymore." You caught up to him and held his hand again.

"I'm glad, would you like to do the same thing tomorrow? Read with me."

"Of course."

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