Jacob Imagine

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It was early morning. I felt the sunshine on my face. A beautiful day sunny and bright, as usual. I couldn't say it bothered me because it didn't if anything it had me excited like most days. I got up and took in my surroundings Olive's bed was empty. Clearly she never came back from saying goodnight to Enoch last night. I wasn't surprised I predicted that would happen. I went to the window and pushed it open with creak. Some white paint was coming off the sill and I suspected dropped to the floor. I took in a deep breath. Lilacs. My favourite flower. I bet they looked beautiful too. I've only seen them a few fleeting times. They weren't my main focus so I've never gotten a really up close look at them. I knew there was a patch of them under my window so even though I've never really seen a lilac I knew because of their sweet smell I loved them. I walked to my closet I knew where it was out of routine. I chose a from the way the fabric felt I chose my flowered dress. I decided I would skip breakfast I knew something was coming I could feel it. I went straight out to the yard. I asked Bronwyn to carry out a small table and gramophone. I put on my most favourite records Side By Side. I loved swing dancing and I've only ever seen it done once because it was my main focus but I knew I loved it. I danced from early morning to mid afternoon. The kids were playing around kicking a soccer ball and just having fun when suddenly it was happening it was occurring he would be here any moment.

*time skip to Jacob coming to the loop*

Jacob's POV

Mrs. Peregrine showed me around. It was actually quite beautiful. I found that I actually liked being here. I was on the look out for Emma Bloom. That was until I saw her. I didn't recognize her from the pictures or even from the stories. How could grandpa have left her out? She was beautiful. Well, from the back anyway. She was swing dancing with young Claire. I couldn't help but wonder if just as beautiful from the front. Mrs. Peregrine must have realized that I was stunned by her because she called her over.

Your POV
"(Y/N)." Mrs. Peregrine called me over. He must have been here! Abe's grandson! I never met Abe but I had seen him. He seemed very handsome and nice from what I gathered hopefully his grandson was like that as well. I told small Claire I'd be right back. I wanted to meet her new friend Jacob. I walked with my head down to where Mrs. Peregrine and Abe's grandson were standing. I could here their breathing. I was so nervous. I've never met anyone from outside the loop in years and I never met Abe so perhaps this is my chance to get to know someone.

"Jake this is (Y/N) sadly she came after Abe left so she never met your grandfather but now you can meet her." Mrs. P told him. I could feel his eyes on me. "I'll leave you two alone." I knew that voice she probably had her usually knowing smirk on her face. I heard her foot steps become quieter the further away she went. There was an awkward silence between us. He broke it. I was too nervous to do it my self even though never usually had that problem.

"H-hi (Y/N), I'm Jake and um it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable." He sighed.

"You aren't making me uncomfortable." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry I couldn't quite hear you because your head is down..." he trailed off. I decided I guess I should face him. So I lifted my head toward him.

"Hello." Was all I said. His breath hitched in his throat.

"Your eyes." Was all he could get out.

"Yes, yes, I know they don't happen to have any." I took a deep breath figuring this was going to be the outcome. "At first glance anyway." I knew he would be puzzled.

"What do you mean at first glance?" He asked nervously.

"First let me ask you a question, how do you feel about reminiscing about your past?" I stepped a tiny bit closer to him.

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