Enoch Imagine pt.1

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You were a mystery, a beautiful mystery. So beautiful in fact most people who'd meet you would never think there was anything peculiar about you. Obviously you had to be a peculiar though or you wouldn't have been able to enter the loop. Miss Peregrine's loop to be exact. When you first arrived everyone was convinced it was a mistake that you were there, but Miss Peregrine, your saving grace knew exactly who you were and why you were there. For the longest time it took awhile for the other children to warm up to you. They were convinced that you thought they were freaks, how silly! The first person to warm up to you was Claire. She had a sweet innocent look like you did when you were her age. It was one particular afternoon you remembered the first time she came up to you.

I sat leaning up against one of Fiona's trees eyes closed thinking about how I could at least make one friend in the home. When I felt tiny hands moving the hair away from the back of my head. I slowly cracked open one of my eyes to see Claire picking up strands of hair and moving them away or lifting them so she could get a better look.

"Claire? What are you doing?" She jumped away quickly, apparently she didn't know I was awake. Believe it or not that happened more often than not.

"I was just looking to see if you were like me?" She asked innocently.

"Oh! You mean a mouth on the back of my head? Or something long those lines?" I asked her, she just nodded her head. "I'm really sorry to disappoint you though I don't have anything on the back of my head. Although I am sort of like you. You really can't tell I'm peculiar unless you ask me and you my darling happen to be one of the prettiest peculiars around." I smiled at her. She reached out her hand slowly to grip mine.

"Would you like to come play with us (Y/N)?" Claire rocked back and forth on her heels hopefully.

"I would love to Claire, thank you for asking."

*end of flashback*

So Claire became your best friend. Sure it was weird that an older girl's best friend was one of the smaller younger children but you enjoyed her company. After Claire introduced you to everyone herself pretty much everyone warmed up to you except for, Enoch. He still had something against you. You had no idea what though. One night before dinner you were getting changed sticking to your main colour scheme of yellow. When you heard a knock on your door you opened it to find a horde of the younger children.

"(Y/N)," Claire whispered. "Everyone thinks you don't have a peculiarity." Claire looked down sadly and held your hand.

"I can assure you all I have a peculiarity." You stated letting go of Claire's hand and telling her to head down stairs. With the others as they trotted away.

"Yeah right like you have a peculiarity." A moody voice came from behind you. Instantly you knew who it was.

"Enoch. What do you want?" You spat. You usually weren't mean by any means but when it came to Enoch, he pushed you over the edge.

"Nothing, nothing i just heard from within the depths of my room some small voices, I came to see what the commotion was. It was only the children asking if you weren't peculiar." He let out a mocking laugh.

"You are awful Enoch." You exclaimed in anger. You stomped away. Why does Enoch have to be that way! Like heck! If he didn't spend all day working on his homunculi and keeping animal hearts in his pockets nobody would know he's a peculiar either. You sat down at the dinner table in a huff. The children made their way into the dinning room as well. You ate in silence as the rest of the children chatted.  You could feel Enoch's eyes burning holes into your head. You didn't dare look at him though, you were so angry. How could he be so mean as if he didn't know what it felt like to be an outcast! At the end of dinner you finally looked up to see Enoch glaring at you. You stormed out of the room Claire holding tight to your hand.

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