Enoch Imagine

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"Miss P. have you seen Enoch?" You asked stomping into the living room.

"No dear why do you ask?" She beckoned you over with the wave of her hand.

"He's done it again!" You sighed. You always had a sinking suspicion he hated you from the moment you stepped foot in the loop. You sat down beside Miss P. and she offered you a cup of tea to calm your nerves which you gladly took. "I was sitting in a tree branch minding my own business when of his stupid toys-"

"Now (Y/N) I don't think it's right to call anyone's peculiarity stupid." Miss Peregrine set her tea cup and saucer down on the table with a light tink.

"I don't think his peculiarity is stupid I just that those dolls are awful! He does terrible things with them making them battle with each other and he torments me with them almost everyday." You put your tea down on the table as well.

"My dear it is also not polite to talk about other people's creations as stupid." She rubbed your back.

"I know, you're right there really is no excuse but he annoys me with them all I was doing was writing in my journal and one of them climbed up the tree and ripped one of pages out, a-a-a page that was very important to me." As mad as your were a few minutes ago you suddenly felt fear rising in your chest. Which page was it that he stole again?

"Well, my advice to you is go to him and ask him for the page back." She picked up her tea cup again and took a long sip.

"But Miss Peregrine, you said you didn't know where he was?" You ran your fingers along your cuffed yellow sleeves.

"I don't, but maybe you could try the basement?" She winked at you. "Now go on I hear little foot steps coming I must see to a little Bronwyn." She waved you away. Sure enough as you made your way to the basement Bronwyn came running by you with mud all over her shoes. She quickly greeted you then continued on her way. Well, I guess there is a first time for everything you told yourself as you turned the nob of the basement door so slowly as if you thought turning it fast would break door down. You softly crept down each step barely making a shuffle. When you reached the bottom you looked around it was quite dark. You closed your eyes for about 7 seconds and opened them again. Bright lights came from your eyes like flash lights. You scanned each area of the room until you found him huddled over one of his dolls. Particularly the one you smacked out of the tree this morning after it stole the page. It must have had enough strength to crawl it's way back here.

"Turn that stupid light off!" Enoch instructed angrily. "Oh wait it's you, are you here to apologize?" He looked up at you smugly as you made your way closer to the table.

"No, I've come to get my journal page your doll thing stole from me." You huffed.

"I stole nothing of the sort." He went back to his work

"Then why are fixing that exact doll I pushed out of the tree earlier today?" You asked him impatiently tapping your foot.

"First of all these are not dolls or toys they are homunculi and second why would I want anything to do with your journal?"

"Well I don't know? That's why I'm asking you."

"You haven't asked me." He looked back up at you rolling his eyes.

"Okay well now I am. Why are you annoying me with your homunculi?" You pulled up a chair and took a seat beside him.

"Wait don't move!" He ordered you.

"What why?" You asked him frightened slightly. Maybe one of his homunculi was about to die or something!

"Keep shinning your eyes here and pass me that jar beside you." He instructed. You were puzzled and taken back a bit by the request but fulfilled it. Enoch placed what looked like to a rat's heart in the clay doll and then closed it up. He started concentrating and the doll stood but and bowed at you. You blinked in surprise.

"It bowed at me. That's rather cute actually." You commented.

"You really think so?" Enoch asked a hopeful glimmer in his eyes.

"Of course, I think he's just misunderstood." You affirmed.

"D-D-Do you think someone else is just misunderstood, someone whose curly black hair drives you wild?" Your eyes widened and started flashing. Enoch did three things he'd never done before just then. He stuttered and he never did around you until now, he said the oddest thing in the most peculiar tone, a hopeful one, and he was blushing.

"Enoch did you read that out of my journal?" Your eyes still flashed.

"You know what just forget about what I just said and leave. You can have your page back at dinner." He started closing him self off. His jaw tightened and his Scottish accent rang thicker and hoarser with each word. It surprised both of you what you did next but you leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. Instantly you face grew hot but you leaned your head on his shoulder and whispered to him. 

"Enoch everything about you drove me wild front the first day we met. Despite what you do I even think your homunculi are the best and your peculiarity is absolutely the most amazing and unique. Misunderstood is an understatement you are literally the the best most wonderful person covered in a rough exterior." You laughed a bit near the end and sat up to look at him. He eyed you weirdly.

"You're lying." He said and went back to work.

"I'm not I'll prove it." You closed your eyes for 7 seconds and opened them again and they were back to normal. You turned his head so he would be facing you and planted a big kiss right on his lips. At first he was surprised but then he loosened up and began kissing you back. When you broke for a breath you could see a blush spreading across his face and could feel yours heat up too.

"I-I-I um... I'll see you at dinner tonight Enoch, I enjoyed what just um... errr... happened here today and um... I hope we can continue it you know tomorrow or even tonight after supper." With that you bounded up the stairs slamming the door of the basement heart pounding a mile a minute.

Enoch's POV
She just kissed me full on the lips. She just kissed me full on the lips! She likes my hair and my eyes and my peculiarity! I make her flustered! She makes me flustered! I like her and she likes me! And she wants to kiss me again!

"Enoch it's time for dinner." I'm pretty sure Bronwyn called.

"I'll be up in a moment." I answered and rummaged through my piles of papers and found the diary page. I promised I'd bring it back to her. I'll give it to her after supper and I guess after our continuation of kissing. Which I greatly looked foreword to!

 Which I greatly looked foreword to!

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(^^^ the yellow dress)

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