Enoch Imagine

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"Enoch please this might be my only chance! Please!" You were kneeling on the floor in front of the only boy in house you hadn't asked yet and if he said no all hope would be lost. "Please Enoch I beg of you! Everyone has already said no!"

"No, I will not go. There is a good reason everyone else has said no!" He pushed through you and made his way to one of the organ filled jars on the top shelf. You stood up and beat him to it. You stretched and brought the jar down your self. He huffed.

"Enoch this might be my only chance you go to a dance." You pleaded with him while shirking back down.

"Honestly (Y/N), your making such a big deal out of this you do realize we're going to be the exact same age for well, ever!" He ripped the jar from your hands and went back to his work table.

"Enoch! Do you know how much convincing it took to even get the town to hold a dance!" You now stood in front of his table and pacing back in forth stressing the seriousness of the situation.

"(Y/N), I don't care, now leave before I do something I will regret." He didn't even look up from his homunculi. Your face contorted into one filled with hurt.

"You're threatening me Enoch? Fine I'll go by myself! I never want to speak to you again Enoch so don't even brother trying... even though I know you won't." You stormed away, angry hot tears dripping down your face. You went to your bedroom the one you shared with Fiona and opened your closet. If you were going to go alone you decided you better look sharp. No, not sharp you wanted to look spiffy. You wanted to be the spiffiest girl there. You chose your favourite dress the blue one, granted you wore it all the time, it was like your signature look. It was sure to make the boys swoon. You smiled in the mirror at your reflection.

"(Y/N)!" You heard Emma call from down the stairs. You ran down the stairs and met Emma, Olive, and Fiona at the front door. Horace was also there along with Jacob and Hugh. Millard wasn't going he thought that people would be very freaked out if a floating pair of clothes showed up to the dance. You all left the house and made it to the dance hall. Everyone was dressed up. You were pretty much the only girl not dancing with a boy. You were standing in a corner all alone until a boy came up to you.

"Hello lassie, my name is Charlie." He had a think Scottish accent like Enoch.

"Hello, Charlie. I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you." You curtsied to him. He chuckled and took off his hat and bowed at you.

"It is nice to meet you as well and may I be so bold as say you are quite a bonnie lass." You blushed. Even Enoch never called you bonnie before.

"Why thank you." You gave him a crooked smile.

"Would you care to dance? I'm not the best at swing dancing but with a beautiful lady such as yourself it should be easy. Or at least people would be staring at someone as beautiful as you and not my clumsy self on the dance floor." You were very positive by this point you were crimson. He was so sweet!

"Oh stop you're making me blush!" You giggled. He looped an arm through yours and walked you to the dancing floor and you started slowly. Then the beat picked up and you could help yourself. With your stretchy peculiarity it was easy for you to swing. In fact you loved it. When you aren't hanging out or helping Enoch which was almost never, you practiced swinging.

"Whoa, lassie you are a natural at this." He smiled a spun you around. You giggled again. It felt out of place though. As if something was missing. You pushed the feeling back down into the pit of your stomach. It was probably nothing. When the music stopped. Charlie lead you off the dance floor.

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