Millard Imagine

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"Millard?" You asked walking into the library. You found him lazily lounging in a chair, thumbing through the pages of a book he's probably read a thousand times.

"(Y/N)," he greeted you. You walked up to him and took the book out of his hands. You closed it a laid it on a side table. "Hey!" He yelped. "I was reading that!"

"Millard I've seen you read that book so many times, anyway I've decided that it's time I show you the alternate dimension." As soon as the words left your lips Millard shot up with joy.

"(Y/N) that would amazing! I've been begging you to take me there for ages!" He sighed in delight and placed a hand on your shoulder. In that instant a feeling washed over you, one that was foreign and unwelcome. You stepped away from Millard and brushed off your shoulders. "I'll go get my coat, you should get yours too." You told him itching to get away and figure out what to do about this feeling. You bounded up the stairs and found your shall it was a simple brown but kept you warm, although it was a shame to cover such a pretty dress. The one you had chosen to wear was blue and white checkerboard. You made your way down the stairs. At the bottom Millard was waiting for you.

"Ready Mill?" You asked linking your arm with his and that feeling hit you again the one that made you feel sick. "Ummm lets get going!" You slipped your arm out of his and ran up ahead with a big fake smile plastered to your face. That feeling returned and it was eating you alive. He caught up and just walked beside you, not saying anything. You made your way into the forest until you found a clearing. You stop abruptly and Millard smash into your back. You stumbled foreword and there was a dull noise, probably Millard falling on the grass. You turned around quickly and sucked in a breath. "Oh my! Millard here let me help you!" You held out your hand and waited for him to grab on. You felt his hand and yours and started to pull him off the ground until... that feeling returned. And you dropped him again.

"Ouch! What was that for!" Millard seemed to be rubbing his arm.

"Sorry Mill I errr... um... okay so there are a few things we have to go over before we go into this dimension." You told Millard once he was standing again. There are many dimensions and some are dangerous and I haven't even been to them all! I'm taking you to one I know is good so far. I've sensed the energy and it's even though I haven't been in a while it tells me it's still safe. Don't split up from me because if you do you can never get back without me and in this dimension I might not have my peculiarity or have even been born so no splitting up. Now the last thing is I'm going you open the portal in mid air, that's how it works so when I do it your brain might not be able to comprehend what is occurring but bare with me and look away if you start to feel sick or like you are questioning what life is, why are we here, what are we, or do we even matter." You took a deep breath and Millard didn't answer for a moment, which worried you. "Mill if your nervous we, we can go back to the house and you can read me more of your book." You lowered your voice and spoke softly to him. Subconsciously you placed your hand on his shoulder reassuringly but, as soon as you realized you snatched your hand away like it was on fire. You sucked in a sharp breath.

"No it's fine I want to do this, so do your thing!" Millard was excited you could tell.

"Okay, okay, alright, alright, okay I can do this, okay, alrighty!" You rocked back and forth on your heels feeling the barriers for the best spot to break it, usually the barrier seams were easiest they cracked with out too much of a hassle. You walked around the tiny clearing until you found the perfect break. You tapped on the barrier once, twice, then three times are the cracked like there was a break in reality like the world we knew was nothin but a flat surface. It was a if someone put up a wall of transparent glass. You reeled back your hand and it morphed into a fist. As your fist hit the thin wall of reality it shattered just like the glass look it appeared to have. Shards of reality were flying everywhere but it couldn't hurt anyone. It was an invisible thing, a concept really, so hard for a open minded person to even grasp at understanding.

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