“Ana.” I answered leaning forward, letting my gaze watch the fire. “I spoke to her again, just now.”

“That’s brilliant! What did you say?” Grinned Bell eagerly, her grin faltered a bit when she saw the frown on my face. “Kellen?”

“She didn’t say much. I reached out to her, not expecting anything but then she replied; I asked her if she was okay, if she was safe and she said she was, I was about to ask her name, or maybe why she wasn’t on the guest list and she suddenly had to go.” I explained my frown reappearing as I turned back to the fire. Nobody said anything as they chewed over what I’d said, trying to work out, as I had, what this meant.

“What exactly did she say before she left?” Spoke Sophia breaking the almost silence.

“I’ve got to go, we’ll speak soon. I miss you.” My voice answered, sounding strange. More silence followed, only conquered by the crackling sound of wood from the fire burning.

“Maybe, she wasn’t supposed to be talking to you? And her Alpha caught her, so that’s why she had to suddenly leave?” Suggested Bell.

“A pack emergency possibly?” added Maxim thoughtfully.

“How did she sound? Were her thoughts panicked, worried, concerned?” Probed Mom as she watched me.

“She sounded…relieved,” I replied as I thought about it. “We both were because we were talking to each other. She did ask if I was mad at her though.”

“Why?” frowned Bell curling up in her chair.

“Because she hadn’t been answering when I reached out to her before.”

More thoughtful silence followed.

“Kellen, son, I know it’s painful being away from her and I know you’re concerned about her but I think you have to trust that the girl knows what she’s doing. At the ball she responded sensibly and rationally to the attack, either you’re mate or her Alpha knows how to handle things, which, either way is very impressive. We’ve still got five more packs to visit; you may find her yet, all in good time. I suggest we all get some sleep now, we have another two packs to see tomorrow and we need our rest.” Spoke Dad getting up joined by Mom, who passed me a reassuring smile. After saying their good nights, Mom and Dad left, followed by Maxim and Sophia, till it was only Bell and me.

While I stared at the fire, from the corner of my eye I saw Bell watching me. “Kellen?” she asked quietly. Lifting my eyes from the fire to meet hers, I raised my eyebrows in questioning response. “Will it be like this when I find my mate? Will I have to stay away from them because of danger?” The concern and pain mixed in her tone summoned from me a deep sigh.

“No Bell of course it won’t. For one, you and your mate will never be in the same circumstances; you’ll be happy and safe. Honestly. Besides this separation won’t last forever.” I hope! I added mentally. Bell wouldn’t ever have to be in my position, I wouldn’t let in happen and neither would the rest of the family! “Its just safe for us to not be together at the moment. Sometimes you have to make difficult decisions and those decisions, though they may hurt, have to be made for a better good, so as much as it displeases me to be away from her or not know much about her, I know it will only be for a measure of time. If I were you I wouldn’t worry about things like that, it’s unnecessary. Come on, let’s get some sleep.” I spoke, getting up and wrapping a reassuring arm around her before heading for the stairs.

After saying night to Bell, I went to my own room, only to collapse on the bed and pray that the measure time I had to be separated from Ana could only get shorter…on this thought I drifted to sleep.


Hey everyone, sorry that this upload is late- I planned on uploading it on Valentines Day but my computer wont let me upload on wattpad -.- so have been trying all weekend to get around it but nooooooo! -.- anyway much thanks to my sis for letting me use her computer! <3

COMMENT & VOTES please? Much love <3

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