"Be safe out there." Derek called out as Blake drove out of camp.

I rested my head against the seat as I laced my arm around the barred window as I felt my hand grow cold with the early morning air.

The hum of the rover and cold air was drawing me to a sleep. But I jumped out of my sleep as the rover went into a hole.

"Sorry. I didn't see it." Blake apologized as he saw that I had did indeed fallen asleep.

I took my hand off of the window and wrapped my arms around my body as I pulled my legs up onto the seat and shifted in the seat towards him.

I saw as his eyes were concentrated on the road ahead. His eyebrows were just slightly scrunched up as he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.

"So who taught you how to drive?" I asked as he smiled and turned to me.

"I did actually. We needed to bring in more food and we needed a way to carry it. So we had the rover fixed up and no one knew how to drive it so I said "Hell it can be that hard"." he said as I smiled.

"Well you aren't that bad of a driver." I said as he turned to me.

"Aren't that bad?" he asked

"I'm the best." He said

"So you say."

"So I say." He said as he smiled at me before turning back towards the road.

"So you woke me up early as all hell, and we've been in this car for about an hour and a half. What's all this about?" I asked curiously

"Well I haven't seen you that much lately." He said

"Oh really? We literally spend all of our time together. The only time we aren't together is the two nights a week that I decide I want to sleep in my own bed." I said with a knowing smile.

"Okay so now it's wrong that I want to spend time with you?" He asked

"No. I actually like spending time with you." I said as he looked over briefly before turning back towards the road.

"Making up for lost time." He said quietly

"Lost time." I repeated in a small whisper. I noticed that he began to slow down in speed as I uncurled myself and sat down right.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he turned the rover off.

"Nothing's wrong...yet." He said as he opened the door. I opened my door as well as he came around the rover towards my door.

"Come on get in the drivers seat." He said as I still sat in my seat as he held onto the door.

"But I don't know how to drive." I said

"I know." He said as he encouraged me.

"Come on." He said with a smile as I got out of the rover and walked around the car into the drivers seat closing the door behind me.

"Okay so do your feet touch the pedals?" He asked

"Yes." I lied as he looked at me with a raised brow.

"No." I said as he got off of the rover again and came over to my side and fixed my seat until I reached the pedals.

"Okay so do you see that all of this clear field kitten?" He asked as I nodded.

"And do you see that one lonely tree right there?" He asked pointing as I nodded once again.

"Please don't drive into the tree." He said as I smiled.

"Okay so turn on the rover. Turn the keys until the engine starts then let go." He instructed as I did what I was told. The rover turned on my second try. Blake clapped before he resumed his lesson.

He taught me what the stick shift was for and told me that it was okay that I didn't use it because the rover worked with or without.

"Okay I want you to step on the gas softly." He said as I accidentally stepped a little too hard which lurched us forward.

"Wow wow easy there." He said as I took my foot of the gas

"Sorry. Sorry " I said as I moved the hair out of my face that had been thrown onto my face with the sudden movement.

"It's okay. Happens to the best of us. Not me of course but.." He said as I shook my head with a smile. He had his arm draped across as he rested his hand on my head rest.

He had his other hand in front of him as he guided me through.

"Now go slowly." He said as I closed my eyes and stepped in the gas peddle lightly.

The rover started to move at an approximate 1 mile per hour.

"Okay good. You can go a little faster." He said

"But please open your eyes." He said as he took a hold of the steering wheel. I opened my eyes to see the wide clear field ahead of us.

"Okay. I got this." I said as I took one hand off the steering wheel and flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"What happens if I go faster?" I asked as he smiled and looked at me. I rolled my eyes but I still smiled.

"What do you think happens kitten?" He asked as I drove faster.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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