"Because we said so," Marcus' crude tone made Deva bite her tongue.

"Look we'll be under supervision. I need a shopping buddy and you guys are always pestering me about making good friends. Well I choose Deva." Izzy batted her eyes innocently hoping to have some kind of effect on her brothers.

"Deva isn't the best company at the moment." Darius maneuvered closer to their bubble. "She's not herself."

Guilt washed over her. They didn't trust her around their sister. "I won't hurt her. I promise."

The endearing plea emanating from her voice and eyes were almost enough to convince him.

"You're not going."

She fixed her gaze back to the ground disgracefully. "It's not like you really want me here anyway."

His jaw jerked but no words escaped his lips.

Lucian finally broke his silence. "One of us has to go with you."

"We don't need a babysitter." Izzy retaliated. "Daddy already has one of his monkey robots following me."

"Precisely my point. How easily will it be for you to ditch that monkey robot?" Lucian knew his little troublemaker sister too well.

"Seriously? We can follow rules. We can behave." Izzy pressed her cheek to Deva's and pouted angelically.

"I still vividly remember the last time you two were together." Darius had it etched in his memory.

"Ohh muffin you shouldn't hold on to grudges. They're bad for the soul. Plus it was a harmless prank."

He huffed aggressively. "Harmless? I don't think you have a harmless bone in your fragile little body."

She ground her teeth. "I'm sure you don't either, vampire."

"Nonetheless, one of us is going."

"I'll go." Marcus volunteered.

A blonde haired girl from the table quickly shot up. "But Marcus you're supposed to spend the day with me."

"Not today, perhaps tomorrow."

"I'll just die of boredom then." She replied crossing her arms over her silk shirt.

"Oh yes, Marcus, you must stay now. We don't want the suicidal blonde to get any ideas while you're gone, do we?" Deva condescended.

"She'll live." Marcus went to take Deva's hand but before he could she wandered back towards the exit.

"I need to grab my sweater first." She ran for the stairs before anyone could back out of their deal.

She shuffled through a pile of clothes before putting on a black blazer.

"You should be severely punished for that stunt you pulled yesterday." Darius' low velvety voice startled her. He was leaning on the doorframe arms crossed and flexing.

"And who will punish me? You? Go ahead, nothing you do will matter to me."

"You are a spoiled little brat, you know that? You have to have everything your way or else you freak out and have a tantrum." He said pushing himself up off the frame.

"I'd rather be a brat than a man-whore who plays with every girl he sees as if they are nothing but a tissue ready to be used then thrown away." Her ice cold voice released her anger.

"You think you're better than me; better than us." His quick strides brought him directly in front of her. "You are just like us; the person you are has some kind of demon like the rest of us. We never claimed to be saints, but don't think that you are any better."

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now