Chapter 37

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Once I was finished showing Irene all the dirt I had acquired on Kyle she took a minute to process it before uttering, "just when you think you know someone you find out their whole existence was a lie. A lovable, overwhelming, passionate perfect lie. A lie I loved."

I took that as time to ask the question I'd been wondering. "How did you meet Kyle anyways?"

"We were set up he met my roommate in college my senior year and she told him a little about me. He said he just had to meet me. I was really surprised since my roommate didn't even like me. He was actually her boss she was interning at the company he worked at. He proposed after a month I said yes. I've only actually known him since March so maybe 5 months" She explained.

"I think I get it." I replied. She told him stuff about you that made him thing you were easy to prey on and a good target."

"I just hope I never see him again." She sighed next to me.

"Couldn't agree more." I replied.

Linda glanced over at us from across the aisle of the plane. "You both okay?" She asked.

"I need a drink." Irene said.

"Excuse me flight attendant." She called to the only flight attendant on the private plane we were on. "Could you get my daughters both a stiff drink?"

"I'll need to see some I.D." She said glancing at me.

"Oh please I can vouch for them both." Linda said.

At that moment you could have knocked me over with a feather. I wasn't shocked about her ordering me an alcoholic beverage as I was that she refered to me as her daughter.

After the drinks got delivered she spoke to me. "I figured you needed it after what you have been through. Not just last night, but since you arrived. I'm sorry really."

"It's fine, I get your reasoning really. Let's just start over." I said coming to common ground with her.

Irene, Linda, I spent the rest of the plane ride honestly enjoying getting to know each other. Rob came over and told us to prepare for landing and we got off the plane and went back to the Clark's house.

Vienna greeted us with a look of surprise."Oh Mrs. Clark you all are back so early."

"Yes, we are. There seemed to be a bit of a problem regarded union of holy matrimony between Mr. Wickline and Miss Clark." She said simply hoisting her suitcase inside.

"Oh dear whatever do you mean?" Vienna asked looking shocked.

"The wedding didn't happen." Linda said bluntly.

"Oh well then in that case I can tell you that I banged him in the guest house. Excellent decision not to marry the cheater Irene." She said quickly.

Nick glanced at both Irene and I when we were alone. "He cheated with Vienna? She's like 40!" He said shocked.

"Nothing will surprise me at this point." I said heading towards my room.

"Me either." Irene said leaving him alone on the landing.

A few days later it Linda took me aside and told me that she and Rob thought it was unfair to keep me there all summer away from friends and family. Therefore Rob was driving me back the next morning.

I got my stuff together so I wouldn't be head up the next morning. Rob loaded my bags into his car. I stood off to the side and saw Trent watching. He finally must have gotten up to courage to come over. He paused at the Clark's mailbox and grabbed the mail out.

"Hey." He said walking up to me.

"Hey..." I replied confused.

"We got some of your mail by mistake." He said handing me what he grabbed out of our mailbox. "So what's going on here?"

"I'm going home." I answered simply.

"Really?" He said surprised.

"Uh yeah." I said.

"Look I want to apologized about that dinner with my parents. Honestly I should have stood up for you." He said quickly.

"It's fine seriously." I replied.

"I wish I had apologized sooner. We could have had more time together." He said sadly.

"You seemed to be having fun with that red haired girl." I said slightly accusingly.

"Who?" He asked.

"The one that was at your house."

"Oh Jenna? She is my cousin. Her parent's came up with her to visit for a week." He laughed.

"Oh really?" I said surprised.

"Yeah she and I are really close. I wish you would give me another chance." He said softly.

"I'm going home though."

"So I'll wait for you to return." He said.

"Sure you will." I laughed.

"No really I will."

"We'll see" I said finally. You have my number.

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