Chapter 24

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"You ruined everything." Irene said turning on me as the last of the guest left the shower. "They served my expensive cake as your birthday cake! It's probably not even your birthday!"

"Actually it is." Rob said from in the corner.

"Ekkkkkkkkkkkk!" She wailed stomping her foot. "This was supposed to be my day!"

"Calm down. You act as if this was your wedding." I said. "It wasn't even my idea."

"I can't believe you did that Elisa." Linda snapped as she walked into the room with Elisa.

"Grandma... why.." Irene demanded as she snuffle.

"Oh suck it up and stop being a selfish psycho bitch." Elisa snapped. "You obviously learned this behavior from your mother."

"It was my wedding shower!" She cried as she stomped away.

"Notice Lizzie never was complained about getting shafted on her birthday." Elisa added to the back of Irene's head.

"Tomorrow you are cleaning the mess in the yard from this shower. Now get out of my sight." Linda growled.

I was glad to get away from all that. So I head upstairs to my room.

The next morning I was woken up by Linda right when the sun had barely cracked over the horizon.

"I told you that you were cleaning the damn yard today seriously get up!" She cried pounding on my door.

"It 4:30 in the freaking morning!" I snapped pulling a pillow over my head.

"Get up now!" She yelled again.

"Mom what the hell!" Nick said to her. "Your going to wake everyone up."

"I'll stop when the love child cleans the yard." She persisted. "GET UP!"

"Screw you..." I said rolling over to grab my Ipod to drowned her out.

"Elisabeth! If you don't come out right now you will be very sorry indeed!" She growled.

"Ummm... no..." I replied.

"Linda seriously stop!." Rob said. "I just got off the phone with Mallory Erie from next door. She said if you don't shut up she is going to call in a noise complaint."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She yelled giving my door one last punch. "Ahhh!" She yelled again. "I think I broke my hand!" She cried.

"Karma." I said back.

"Alright come on Linda lets get you to the ER." Rob said.

"What's going on?" Irene asked groggily.

"Your mother hurt her hand." Rob said quickly.

Then the house fell silent once more.

I was again wakened a few hours later by a polite knock.

"Who is it?" I muttered getting out of bed.

"Nick I was out cleaning the yard and I found something you might want." He said.

I unlocked the door and he handed me a piece of paper that had obviously gotten wet. It was all smeary and hard to decipher.

"Thank you Nick." I said kindly. "Why are you cleaning the yard?"

"I don't like wave between you and my mom." He sighed.

"You're a good brother." I smiled.

"Thanks. I gotta go finish before they get back then you can say you did it and everything will be fine." He said before heading back down the stairs.

I took a look at the note and tried to decipher what I could.


I'm sor--- fo-- my ------  --------- ----- me. - ---- you. --- also ----- for the y - acted. Honestly inappropriate of -- -- --- --- ------ you.

                                                    ---nton Erie,

I read it over a few times confused exactly by the whole thing. Since it was smeared I honestly didn't know what he meant. I probably would have sat there all day if Linda hadn't arrived back.

"It's sprained." She said dramatically.

"Mom, she cleaned the yard." Nick said coming in the back door. "I was just out inspecting it."

"Oh good just wish it didn't talk me getting injured for her to learn her place in this hierarchy." Linda said with pleasure.

"Actually no. I didn't do it. It's not my job to serve you." I said jumping in not wanting her to have the satisfaction of winning.

"Lizzie, stop..." Nick said in a low voice.

"No. I didn't do it." I said again. "Nick did."

"Go to your room!" She snapped.

"Happily." I said walking away.

"You too Nick. You lied to me." Linda snapped.

"But mom I was trying to help." He stammered.

"Go!" She said again. "I'll deal with you both later. I need to rest."

"Sorry." I mouthed as we both reached the top of the stairs.

"No that's it we're done. You were right the other night at dinner. Your not a part of this family you don't belong here. We're done." Nick snapped before walking into his room and slamming the door.

"Nick wait..." I said weakly but it was too late.

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