Chapter 25

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I sat in my room thinking about what Nick said feeling surprisingly hurt. Was I honestly becoming attached to anyone of these nut jobs? I asked myself sighing. So much for not making waves. For about the millionth time I planned an elaborate running away plan that would never work. Tired of feeling alone I decided to check my phone to find I had a text from Lucy.

Lizzie! Happy late b-day! miss you!

Someone then knocked on my door.

"What's the password?" I called thinking it was Nick coming to apologize or Linda coming to just be a bitch.

"It's Dad, I need to talk to you." He said from the other side of the door.

"Oh hi Rob..." I said after swinging the door open.

"Why can't you get along with my family?" He asked bluntly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You're always at someone's throat or trying to become the center of attention." He replied.

"You must be high." I said dismissively but he would let it go.

"No seriously. Like at Irene's wedding shower you convinced my mother to hijack it to be your birthday celebration. Then Linda just told me you won't let her love you. She is tired of trying to make an effort to welcome you into her family but you just shut her out." He continued.

"Seriously dude... are you in a parallel universe seeing the opposite of reality?" I asked heading towards the door.

"Stop being such a self-adsorbed angsty teenager and join the family already." He said walking out before I could say anything.

I started out the door after him but he was too quick.

"I didn't say you could leave your room!" Linda yelled.

I hesitated contemplating heading back into my room and being good. But than I realized where that had gotten me and continued down the stairs.

"Did you hear me?" She snapped again from the couch.

"'Uh yeah..." I said in my most duh voice.

"Then I would get up there if I were you or else you will be very sorry indeed." She snarled.

"Bitch please... I've seen worse than you." I said as I turned to face her.

"Excuse me?" She snapped sitting up.

"I'm sorry did I stutter?" I asked as I opened the front door and headed towards Rob who had just started preparing to wash Linda's car.

"Hey Rob! Yeah you're a dick!" I yelled before walking towards town.

Finally having time to clear my head I started thinking. It was time for me to take my power back. Linda wasn't pushing me around anymore. This isn't my life, not my family not any of them. I mean maybe someday I'd exchange Christmas cards with Grandma Elisa or something but that's my limit. Screw Rob, Linda, Irene, and even Nick. Everything he does is to appease Linda. Hell they all seem to worship her like she was jesus or something. I decided right then I wasn't going to run away I was going to invade. They all better brace for hurricane Lizzie.

It started raining just as I hit main street so I ducked into a coffee shop. I ordered a pomegranate pear iced tea and a bagel with cream cheese and sat at a corner booth with a clear view of the door. Just as I began eating who walked in but Kyle holding hands with the wedding planner Ana Belle Gracin.

I panicked. Not as much as he would have had to if he had noticed me. I quickly opened my messenger bag which held my make-up case and began globbing on my make-up extremely thick going heavy on the eyeliner. Then after one last glance in the mirror I strained my ears to hear what they were doing.

"Hey I'm going to hit the bathroom." He said to her. "Why don't you grab us a seat."

I then frantically tried to look calm as she passed me. I spotted a hair tie on my wrist and immediately put my hair up. I silently thanked the universe that I had put on a black hoodie that day since the heavy make-up made me look kinda goth already.  I hoped that would be enough to hide my identity. I knew I wouldn't have enough time to clear my table and slip out before he came back besides I was hungry and he was the one with something to hide not me. I was doing nothing wrong. I then pulled a paperback book out of my bag and began pretending to read between bites of food hoping that would help hide my face.

I recognized Kyle as he walked past me by the smell of his cologne.

"So do you cheat on your fiance often?" Ana Belle drawled seductively after a few minutes of lirty idle chitchat.

"Only when I find someone worth cheating with." He flirted back.

"Why is that?" Ana Belle asked. "I mean she seems like a nice girl."

"She is nice, but too rigid. Naive too but that is a good thing when you are marrying someone for money." He confessed.

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