Chapter 17

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I sat on my bed poking around  Kyle's phone some more. He had a know voice mail from a girl named Brandi.

Hey it's Brandi you told me to call ya so I did, okay hit me up!

The doorbell rang and I went to down to check it out.

"Hi Lizzie" Chante said as I opened the door.

"Oh hey!" I said surprised to see her.

"Just came by to pick up the list of games for the bridal shower." She smiled.

"Oh okay... let me just have a look." I said confused on where that would be.

"Why don't you just ask Linda?" Chante asked taking a seat.

"She is out. I'm hone alone right now." I said.

"Oh well that's okay why don't I just wait for someone who knows to come back." Chante smiled.

"Okay." I said taking a seat.

So we chatted for a few minutes about boring wedding stuff when I finally decided to ask her something I had been wondering.

"How did Irene and Kyle even meet?"

"You know no one really knows actually. Irene was always the type to troll any social situation for a potential date but other than a string of bad first dates it never got her anywhere. But then Kyle sort of became a constant you know coming for holidays, meeting the family, ect." Chante explained.

"What do you think of their relationship?" I ask curiously.

"Hmmm... He is just like her father. Greedy, conniving, and oblivious the the feelings of the rest of the world." She said critically.

"You know I could see that." I agreed.

"I just hope he never cheats on her. Aunt Linda has had a rough go of it with Rob." Chante said.

"Yeah that would be too bad." I said already knowing the truth in my head.

Linda walked in a minute later and Chante got what she needed and left.

 I went upstairs my self and peaked into Nick's room. His Dell Alienware laptop was sitting by his bed. I slipped in and snatched it then went into my room. A minute later I was sitting in front of the google search page where I typed in Kyle... Wait I don't know his last name. I slipped back downstairs for a minute where I saw Linda.

"Hey Linda? I was wondering what Kyle's last name I need to know for something for the shower." I lied.

"Oh okay then... It's Wickline." She said barely looking up.

"Thank you." I muttered slipping away and back to my room.

I Typed in Kyle Wickline. Suddenly a bunch of information popped up. He was born August 10th 1985. Not useful to me. I found records of him attending a fancy private university.

Oh lookie here his old myspace. I'm surprised no one seems to delete these things there not cool anymore. What a tool! I thought glancing over the page.

Nothing too incriminating was on it just all these picture of him dancing with slutty looking girls in clubs. I went back to the main search page and typed in Rachel Cross. Her photography site came up I looked it over. I went down the page looking when something caught my eye. Florida mugshots? Huh? I was about to click it when...

"What are you doing with Nick's computer!" Linda burst in.

"Shit I thought I locked the door." I thought.

I barely had time close the page when Linda snatched the computer from me.

I still have a funny feeling about all this. I thought.

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