Chapter 29

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I headed outside where I heard noise coming from the Erie's yard. Curious I began walking the perimeter of the property to try to get a closer look. I got close to the hedges and could over here a conversation going on between Trent and the red haired girl during what appeared to be some type of party.

"I really wish you didn't have to go." He said to her.

"I know I'm really going to miss you."  She replied.

"So have you thought anymore about that thing I asked you about?" He asked coyly.

"Yeah I have..." She said honestly.

"Hey kids come join the party!" Someone yelled towards them.

"Just a minute..." Trent called back.

"Come on lets go get some food." She said getting up.

I continued my walk around the edge of the property before going inside.

Irene and Linda were standing in the kitchen

"Mom, don't you think we need to do some shopping for cruise wear for the wedding trip?" Irene was asking Linda. "After all it will be a weekend of fancy dinners and lounging on the deck."

"Yeah we probably should go get somethings." Linda replied. Did you have specific stuff in mind that you need?"

"I have some ideas, also I decided my tiara isn't really cruise appropriate so I need to find something else and just wear the tiara to the party we are having at home." Irene continued.

"Yeah I think we're going to have to take Elizabeth with us we don't want her embarrassing us with any fashion disasters." Linda added reluctantly.

"Only a week and a half away!" Irene squealed.

"It's so exciting isn't it?" Linda asked looking at me.

"Oh yes." I said attempting to fake enthusiasm before shuffling quickly out of the room.

Back in my room I opened another search for Kyle Wickline finding nothing worth noting until I noticed a comment on his old myspace page. "Hey Wickham give me a call!" It said.

Who is Wickham? I thought as I keyed in Kyle Wickham.

I found a Kyle Wickham scammed a Victoria Carsin out of $50,000 after meeting her on an online chatroom. As well as a Kyle Wickhem scammed a Beth Jinkins a few years before that.

I closed my laptop and climbed into my bed ending my search I didn't need to see anymore.

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