Chapter 14

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"Oh look it's bio dad! Way to go kill the moment Rob" I huffed.

"I'll see you later." Trent said as he bent down and kissed my forehead.

"Where is everyone?" Rob asked.

"Out at dinner." I said heading back inside.

"Why aren't you with them?" He asked following me back in.

"No invite." I said simply helping myself to left over cupcakes.

"So you were left here to amuse yourself with the neighborhood boy?" Rob asked looking scandalized.

"That is my business." I snapped.

"Don't give me that. Your my child you are my business." He replied getting angry.

"Look Dad don't give me that. I've known you for all of like two weeks seriously." I said completely exasperated.

"Your in my house you follow my rules." He said bitterly.

"You say that as though I need you. I could call Courtney and she'd come get me right now." I said heading up the stairs.

"Don't you walk away from me!" Rob called following me.

"None of what you say matters!. You snuck into my father's funeral!" I said snapping and calling him out for being the man in the trench coat.

"I needed to see what I was up against." Rob sighed expression changing.

"You've already lost." I said slamming the door of my room.

I turned on the light and put on my pajama pants when I noticed a pink sticky note on my window. Which contained Trent's phone number. I smiled to myself again wondering how he got up here before texting him.

hey trent, thank you for (Pausing to figure out how to word this) being there for me tonight.

After sending that I went to bed.

I woke up the next morniing and went downstairs.

"Oh good you're up. We're going to see the wedding planners. Be in the car in five minutes." Linda said briskly.

Okay fine! I thought knowing better than to say anything and I headed out to the car. Linda and Irene joined me a few minutes later.

"Oh mom isn't it great both Ana Belle and Brandi are planning my wedding." Irene gushed.

"Yeah they both are experts in the areas we need I can't imagine anything will go wrong." Linda reasoned.

"Nothing better go wrong." Irene said appearing worried.

"It will be fine." Linda assured before turning towards me. "I think it's best you stay in the car. It gets old having to explain who you are."

"Fine..." I said. "I don't give a shit about this wedding anyways." I added honestly.

Irene looked scandalized while Linda's expression didn't change. After they walked away I pulled out my phone to find Trent texted me back.

No problem, meet me at the fence tonight at 10:30 ;)

I immediately began a reply.

Don't worry i'll be there...

Then I decided to use the rest of my waiting time to call Grandma Courtney.

Courtney: Hi Lizzie love...

Me: Hey what's going on?

Courtney: Just about to go get Lucy from day camp. How about you?

Me: Waiting for Linda and Irene's meeting with the wedding planner to be done.

Courtney: Aww sounds boring.

Me: It really is.  How is mom?

Courtney: No change.

Me: Nothing left to do but hope.

Courtney: The doctor assured me people come out of these things all the time.

Me: I hope so.

Courtney: I have to go get Lucy. I'll talk to you later Lizzie love.

Me: Okay bye.

I wish I had a book. I thought bitterly as I continued to wait.

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