Chapter 31

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"I'll call Kyle!" Irene said rushing away.

"Elisabeth, you go pack and tell Nick to pack also. I need to go inform Rob." Linda said obviously panicking.

So I went up the stairs. I paused at Nick's door. "Hey Nick? Linda told me to tell you to pack for Irene's wedding since there was a problem with the scheduling."

"Uh okay..." He called back.

I threw my clothes into a bag and packed my essentials. I guess that was the great thing about only having a bag of your possessions you could take them all with you at a moments notice while everyone else had to scramble.

"Mommm! Where is my hair dryer?" Irene called.

"Honey, have you seen my cell phone charger?" Rob asked a second later.

"Mom, don't forget my veil!" Irene called again.

"Top drawer on the left in your bathroom, on your bedside table, and I already packed in." Linda replied in one breath.

I then thought of something. I went over to my hiding place for Kyle's Blackberry wrapped it in a pair of socks and slipped it into the bottom of my messenger bag. The battery was pretty much dead in it at this point so there wasn't much use for it but I was still worried about the house keeper finding it.

"Hey Liz?" Rob said to my back seconds after I slipped the phone into my bag. "If you need something to read on the plane there are some books in my office. Also there might be some crossword puzzle books in one of the drawers."

"Oh cool thanks." I said casually. "Wait flight? I though we were going on a cruise."

"We are the dock is in Florida." He replied.

"Oh cool palm trees." I said grabbing my messenger bag and heading towards Rob's office. I wasn't really interested in his books or crosswords but thought that a little snooping could give me insight into Rob as a person. I pulled open a few drawers and rummaged around in them finding nothing of interest. Until I opened one full of techno junk. Inside were a bunch of old flash drives, some blank CD-Roms, USB Cables, and a old Blackberry charger. 'Score!' I thought mentally slipping it in my bag.

"What are you doing in here?" Linda demanded as she entered the room.

"Rob said that there were books in here." I said innocently.

"Then why were you searching drawers?" She asked still suspicious.

"He mention something about crossword puzzles in one." I replied alibi rock solid.

"Well than grab your book and get out. I have business to attend to." She said scooting me out.

I snatched the nearest book without looking at it and headed out the door and back to my room.

The book was the biography of Steve Jobs the Apple guy. I flipped through it enthusiastically when I noticed some writing in it. "Happy Birthday Kyle! - Love Rachel. So this book was a gift from Rachel.

"Linda? Did you see the Steve Jobs book Kyle let me borrow? I was going to read it on the plane." Rob asked.

"I have it Rob." I called.

"Thank you Elisabeth." He said coming to collect it. "Do you know how this trip is going to go? Your going to be sharing a state room with Kymmi. The plane leaves tomorrow morning at 9:00 so try to get everything packed to go tonight since we need to be up early."

"Thank you for informing me. I think I'll everything over one more time." I said as he left.

A little while later there was a knock on my door.

"Miss, Its Vienna. If your stuff is all packed than I was thinking I could load it in the car with everyone else's to save time in the morning." She said as I opened the door.

"Oh yes of course." I said handing her my bags.

"Don't forget to set an alarm for 6:00 am tomorrow." She reminded me.

"Ah yes of course. Thank you." I said as she left.

I then set my alarm and laid down for the night.

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