Chapter 28

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"Look Linda I don't want to fight with you honestly." I said cutting off her next sentence and walking away.

"Oh Lizzie I almost forgot to give you your birthday presents." Courtney said handing me one of those fancy gift bags.

"Thank you Grandma!" I said hugging her.

"We better go... call me and let me know how you like them." She said in my ear before leaving again.

I went up to my room and opened my presents. I got some really cute clothes, a pair of shoes, some books, and in my birthday card she enclosed $50 in cash "just in case" which was great because the wallet I carried in my bag contained only $10 previously. Lucy got me an ITunes gift card.

After opening those gifts I began leafing through my photo album. The smiling pictures of a happy family stared back at me. I picked up my phone and called Grandma Courtney.

Courtney: Hey

Me: I just opened everything. You always give the best gifts.

Courtney: I'm glad you like them.

Me: Yeah I do thank you.

Courtney: That's not the only reason you called is it?

Me: No I was going to call you about the gifts but I looked at my photo album and it just made me want to connect.

Courtney: I understand.

Me: I have to go I hear people downstairs.

Courtney: Bye sweetie.

Me: Bye...

After talking to Courtney I went and knocked on Nick's door.

"What?" He called.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Not right now I'm busy." He called from inside his room.

"I just wanted to apologize for whatever I might have said about being part of your family to upset you." I said before walking away.

I headed downstairs to join the rest of their clan and sat at the table for dinner. Vienna the housekeeper was serving lasagna.

"Mom, I know we agreed to have my wedding on the boat but Kyle said he was worried about the amount of gifts we will get will be lower because of that." Irene whined.

"Well we could always host another really big party in honor of your wedding." Linda said thinking quickly.

"Would that get us more gifts?" Irene asked quickly.

"I think it will. Besides if we invite people we know won't show up they probably will grace you with big checks." Linda said fueling Irene's greed.

"Great! I really want that house." She said enthusiastically.

"Is the whole wedding just a gift grab for you?" I asked horrified at the greed I was witnessing.

"It's my wedding, the most important event practically ever. People should be giving me stuff." She said with a complete air of entitlement.

I choked on my water at her reaction.

"More bread anyone?" Vienna asked entering the dining room with a tray of freshly cut bread.

"Where are Rob and Nick?" Linda asked.

"Do you want me to fetch them?" Vienna asked.

"No, Love Child, go get them." Linda said gesturing towards me.

"Why me?" I asked.

"You're the most irrelevant." She replied.

"You're lucky Vienna's lasagna is good." I said getting up.

I climbed to the top of the stairs and just yelled rather than knocking on their doors. "Rob, Nick, dinner is ready!" Before bouncing back down the stairs.

"That wasn't what I meant." Linda said coldly.

"I know." I said as I resumed eating.

"I haven't been able to get ahold of Kyle all day." Irene whined checking her phone.

"He is probably busy at work." Linda said as Rob and Nick joined the table.

"Oh lasagna my favorite!" Rob said digging in.

"I think I'm going to go..." I said slipping away from the table and heading outside for air.

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