Roadway Home

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     "I'm terrified." I say to Josh. Once we got on the road Gabe fell asleep in the back, leaving Josh and I in pure silence. Finally I just brought up the subject of me being pregnant again. Since I was feeling better I was up to answering questions and discussing this, but right now I'm the only one really talking. Well, more like rambling. "I'm still in high school, you still have two years of college left, the price for daycare will double, and not to mention we live in a one bedroom apartment that's barely enough room for you, me, and Gabe. There's no way we would have room for another baby. And it's not like we can afford to get a new place, I mean this is New York for crying out loud." Josh stays silent for a moment, thinking about what I said. He sighs. "You're right. There's no way we can do this." he pauses and I get an unsettling feeling. He continues. "But we'll figure it out. Clearly we figured it out the first time around. So we'll figure out again. And yes its gonna be harder but who doesn't like a challenge. The only thing that matters is he's loved. And he will be."

     His soft voice calms my nerves and I take a deep, trying to calm my thoughts. "You're right. Its just......... Back when I was pregnant with Gabe, it was an awful experience. People constantly making rude comments about me. Or laughing at me as I walked down the halls. I hated it. And now I'm gonna have to do it all over again. I'm scared. Everything's going to be twice as worse this time because its all happening for a second time around. I mean think about it, when I'm 23 I'll be a mom to an 8 and 6 year olds!" he grabs my hand. "Maya, answer this. Are you happy with your life?" I nod. "Yes. Its just-" he cuts me off. "Then wasn't it all worth it? Everything you've been through to get to here. You have Gabe, me, Riley, your dad and his family, Lucas, Farkle, and so many other people. No one has a perfect life. Everyone has something to struggle with. Its hard yes but in the end its worth it. You just have to know what your fighting for." I sigh. "I'm...... I'm fighting for my family. Its dysfunctional and there is damage that is beyond repair, but its mine. And my being pregnant will be hard but it'll turn out fine. Gabe will get to have either a brother or sister. And I will get to be a mother for a second time. So your right. Its worth it." I say with a smile. It goes silent for a moment before I speak again. "What are you fighting for?" I ask in a soft voice. He turns his head towards me and a serious expression is painted on his face. "I will always be fighting for you Maya."

You And Me? (sequel To Why Him?)Where stories live. Discover now