Chapter 15: What Are Starscream's Intentions?

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The morning light of the four days after the Battle of Darkmount found Daphne Blake Prima in an emotional state of numbness. She had spent the entire night clutching the pillow that Braedey used to her chest, longing to hear his sparkbeat. All that had greeted her ears was the cold, hard silence. She rose slowly from the Queen sized bed, not for any reason, except not wanting to face the other Autobots or the other humans. But, she was needed, and her time for grieving her husband's death was now over. She placed the pillow down on her bed, and drew the big bed cover over the bed. She kissed the pillow once and stayed there for a few seconds, pressing her face to the stiffness that was once her husband. She took in a large intake of air into her lungs, regaining her composure and left her quarters, making her way to the main communications room of the Autobot base.

She found the Autobots all gathered around in a loose circle, their shoulders all slumped. Arcee, Bumblebee, Grim, Blades, Elita-One and Striker's 'door wings' were drooping, indicating a dampened mood. Bulkhead was playing with his fingers; something he did when he was stressed. And Ratchet... Ratchet was just staring into space, his expression blank and neutral. Optimus seemed to be unable to think of anything to say at this point in time. Wheeljack was gripping onto the grenade on his right side, wanting to throw it at something. Ultra Magnus remained stiff and firm, not moving at all. Sam, Lucinda, and Clara surrounded Jacinta, who's face was hidden by her hands and her hair, and they were holding her close. Fred, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby were all looking at one another, the latter looking depressed and sad. Grimlock and the Dinobots stood in a corner of the room, all of them not saying a word at all, but with the leader of the team, his arms were trembling slightly. Predaking, Flamewing, and Songbird were nearby the Groundbridge tunnel, all of them standing firm and not saying a thing also. The AutoCons were nowhere to be seen, possibly onboard the warship, giving the 'Bots some time together for now.

At the sound of Daphne's footsteps, all the Bots' and human's heads snapped up together. All at once, there was a flurry of activity as all the other members of Mystery Inc., along with their human partners and children fussed around Daphne like they were mother hens. A small hand was placed on her arm, and she silently acknowledged the unspoken support by placing her own hand over Fred's, giving it a gentle squeeze. She moved to sit down on a human medical berth. It wasn't too low for her to sit comfortably, but she didn't care. The others resumed their former positions, bar Ratchet, who slowly approached her.

"Daphne." Ratchet started slowly. "I am deeply sorry for what happened. He told us how close you two are."

"Ratchet." Daphne held up a hand, stopping the medic from continuing on. "I know you're trying to make me feel better, but please, stop." She sighed sadly, and looked down at her feet. "I know that Braedi- I mean, Braedey, is gone from mine and Jacinta's lives, but I know that he'll always be in my heart." She pointed to her chest.

Ratchet nodded his head, and headed back over to the communications post. Daphne sighed to herself, and sat down on a leather couch that was there. She felt her eyes fill with tears, but she wiped them away immediately. She didn't want to look weak in front of the Autobots, but she can't help herself.

Predaking, who had noticed Daphne's depressed and sad behaviour, decided to speak to her alone. He looked over to his two colleagues, nodding to them, and they go to their quarters for the time being. He walked over to the human area of the base, and knelt down slightly to it.

Daphne heard the sound of footsteps, looked up from her position on the couch, and saw Predaking. She was confused. "Predaking?" She asked.

The Predacon leader held out his hand to the Transformers Queen. "I wish to speak to you alone." He stated to her rather than asked.

The redhead sighed to herself, and walked up to Predaking, standing in his hand. The Predacon leader slowly rose up to his feet, and headed up the ramp that leads out of the base, and to the forest around the mansion. The two entered a part of the forest that was very secluded and hidden from human eyes, but wasn't too far away from the mansion, and is amongst tall towering trees to hide Predaking's form.

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