Chapter 4: First Day, and Incursions

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Eastern High School. A a public high school located in Washington, D.C. It educates about 1100 students in grades 9 through 12. Eastern was designated an International Baccalaureate school in 2013, and was proud to award its first prestigious IB diploma in 2015. Expected growth will make Eastern the second biggest high school in DCPS after Wilson, with over 1500 students.

The students, all wearing casual outfits and clothes, all head off into the High School, which also doubles as a College. As they do, many don't notice a firetruck red Pagani Huayra with bright blue highlights and blue wheels drive by.

The hypercar rolled up into an empty alleyway, far from prying human eyes, and came to a stop

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The hypercar rolled up into an empty alleyway, far from prying human eyes, and came to a stop. Once seeing the coast was clear, the headlights shut off. Then, unexpectedly, strange gear shifting sounds could be heard, as parts of the car broke into pieces, and began to shape-shift. In a few seconds, the car had shifted into a red-haired teenage girl.

Jacinta was now wearing a white blouse button-up shirt, blue knee-length skirt, and knee-high black leather boots. Her long red hair was tied up in a big bun at the back of her head, and a couple bangs hung freely from her temples.

'Okay.' She thought to herself, as she walked out of the alley, with a simple blue bag strapped on her back. 'Just relax and act normal like a human.' She sighed, and headed up to the high school/college.

The grass growing all around the college campus was lush and summer green, fully grown trees littered the yard, and Jacinta could smell the beautiful scent of fresh life, and old history. The air was a gentle warm, and the sky was a rich blue, not a cloud in sight. She was surrounded by people, freshman, sophomores, seniors, teachers, parents, and staff alike, but nobody was staring at her. Well, except for a large proportion of the male population attending the college. They looked at her like she was a piece of meat, and while it disgusted her, it made her feel human, instead of feeling like a soldier or leader.

She walked into where her dorm should be. As she did, she saw her dorm mate sitting on a bed in the room.

He was a Caucasian American male at 17 years of age, and standing 7ft 5". He has dark brown hair that was in a spiky fashion jutting out in different positions and angles. He has dark green eyes, and his skin was a fair white coffee colour. His body was physically fit for a human, his muscles slightly larger than that of a normally physical human, chiselled abs, lean legs and lean arms. He was wearing a sleeveless, black trimmed, bright red waistcoat, left open and untucked, exposing his bare and chiselled chest, whilst flowing in the gentle wind, black knee-length trousers, a thick black wristband on his left wrist, black steel-cap boots, a pair of black fingerless gloves, and a black cloak with red flame stitching inside, attached to the back of the waistcoat.

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