Chapter 1: Airport

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(Y/n) - Your name

(B/n) - Brother's name

(S/n) Sister's name

(F/c) Favorite Color

(F/f) Favorite food

(Y/N)'s POV:

"(Y/n)," Lira says. "What college you got?"

"Hm?" I ask, not looking away from my paper. "Oh, I got Vocal University, aka, VU."

"Oh same!" Lira says, gleefully. "Off in Japan!"

"J-Japan?!" I exclaim, putting my papers down on my desk. "But my Japanese language isn't that good!"

"It's fine. You'll be fine." She replies, seeming nervous.

"Yea, thanks for the encouragement--"

"WHAT COLLEGE YOU GUYS GOT?!" I hear my other friend, Ava cut me off, and appearing out of the blue next to Lira.

"VU" Lira says.

"SAME!" Ava jumps up and down. "AND I'M NOT EVEN A GOOD SINGER!!"

"I don't think any of us are." I laugh.

"Out of all of us, (Y/n), you seem to win the contest." Lira points out. 

"I only won one contest, I have no idea what you're talking about." I say.

"It's still more than us!" Ava points out. "Anyways, are we gonna stand here, or go to the graduation ceremony?!"

"After we go home, Ava." I say, getting up from my seat. "Speaking of which, how long ago did the bell ring...?"


After the entire ceremony, my family helped me book a flight to Japan, and book a apartment in case there isn't any dorms.

As we pull up to the airport, I feel sad. I'm leaving my family to live on my own. I'mm gonna miss my mom, my little brother (B/n), my older sister (S/n), and my father. He always would listen to me whenever I was sad, read my a book before I sleep back then-- he still does it now, no matter how many times I tell him to get out. He'll be the one I'll miss the most.

I open my door after kissing my little brother on the head, and step out.

I hug my mom and my sister goodbye, and look at my dad. He gives me his warm smile, and I feel tear welling up in my eyes. I give him a bear hug, attempting to squish his insides. He does the same with me, but with more power, relating on how tall he is and how strong.

I wipe my tears away and I walk up to the airport door. As I grip the handle, I look back at my parents, and see my mom holding a tissue. I wave at them, feeling tears again as I walk into the building.

I walk around, looking fro the flight to Sapporo, and I see Ava and Lira, talking and looking around.

I smile, and walk up to them. "Guys!"

"I know that voice," Ava says, and spots me. "Oh hey!!"

"About time. So, you going to the same place right?" Lira asks.

"Oh that's a nice hi," I tease.

"Hey! I'm ticked! I've been looking for this stupid flight for 20 minuets!"

"20?" And I cock my head.

"Don't worry! She's exaggerating!" Ava giggles.

"Ava, your hyperness has lasted literally all day. Did you eat like, 2 donuts for breakfast?" I ask.

"Yes! And a bit of cake because I was a bit hungry, chocolate, and I think that's it!" She replies.

"How many chocolates?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Don't ask, she'll wear off in the ride to Japan." Lira says, smiling.

"Well, let's go find it before she passes out now!" I giggle.

 We start to walk around until we see it hiding in the corner.

"I can see why you couldn't find it." I tease, and Lira grunts.

"Not my fault that it's hiding." she sasses

"Let's just go in!" Ava squeals, grabs me and Lira's hands, and pulls us to the door.


After a while of us boarding, we finally found seats, and we're all excited. Except for Ava, who says she has to pee.

"Where is the stinking bathroom!" She exclaims, holding it.

"I don't think you want the stinking one." I point out, putting my (f/c) hoodie from my sweater on.

"I GOTTA PEEEEEEE..!" Ava exclaims, bouncing up and down a bit.

"Then go look for the bathroom!" Lira laughs.

"Ava, I swear if you shout again, I'll pull out a water bottle and spill it to the floor to make you pee your pants." I warn.


I chuckle and bit, and Ava tries to walk in front of us, holding onto the seats in front of us. (She was at the window seat)

"I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE, OUTTA MY WAY!" She exclaims, and runs to the back of the plane.

"That's her own fault for drinking half the airport's water supply." Lira jokes. "So you think we're gonna see the Vocaloid?"


"Shut up!" Lira hushes me. "And yes it is, but don't fangirl in this place. Trust me, I'm fangirling too, but on the inside."

"But then we get to see if they're REAL!" I exclaim (Note that they're gonna be real ppl and not just computers XD Okey I shut up now)

"Ava feels better now." Ava says, walking back to use, relaxed.

"Did you pee yourself there or did you make it in time?" I say sarcastically.

"Just in time." She replies, and moves past us to her seat.

"Ew, that's nasty, I didn't want a real response!" I joke, grossed out.

"You asked a question! I'm a nice person, and I'll respond!" She replies, shrugging. "I'm tired now, goodnight" And she sleeps.

"I think we should do the same." Lira says, taking out her neck pillow from her bag. "It is like, 7:00 now, it took forever to get on this plane." 

"I Don't really sleep at 7:00, I sleep at like, 9:30." I point out.

"Suit yourself, but if you want a neck pillow, I got one in my bag, you can help yourself." Lira yawns, then drifts off to sleep.

I shrug, and stare straight into space. I wonder if I really will meet a Vocaloid, I doubt it.  I'm sure most likely I won't meet my favorite one, Kaito. I love his blue hair and his voice.

While pondering things, I feel myself drift away into sleep.


HELLO MY DRAGONS and thank you for reading this chapter!

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I got lazy-- shame sticks for me.

I'm also sorry if this book will stink, this is my very first "x Reader" thing and I don't know if I got the Point Of View right, so, sorry fi I did get it wrong XD


Kaito x Reader || Enchanting Vocals [DISCONTINUED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum