Chapter 1: The Future Changes.

Start from the beginning

"I want you to be happy Usako, and if Seiya makes you happy then I won't hold you back." He slid the ring off her finger and then placed it onto the counter. "Just promise me that you'll always follow your heart."

Looking up at Mamoru, Usagi couldn't believe what she was hearing. Mamoru was telling her she could leave him for another man, her arms snaked their ways around his waist holding him close. His hands began to stroke her hair as tears began to fall from his own eyes, his Usako was happy with some other man. He couldn't help but think that it was all because he had gone to America, thousands of what if's began flying around his head as he held onto the only girl he had ever loved.

"Thank you Mamo-chan." Usagi whispered looking up at him, inching onto the tips of her toes. She kissed his lips for the last time.

The kiss was soft and delicate, like all the others had been. Usagi tried to remember when they had kissed and felt strong passion towards each other, but she failed to remember. After Mamoru released her from his grasp she took a small step back, almost as if she was seeking his final word of permission.

"Go Usako, go and be happy. And always follow your heart." He said trying to keep more tears from falling from his eyes.

Grabbing her jacket from the hook near the door Usagi slipped it over her slim shoulders, kneeling down she then put on her shoes and glanced back at Mamoru.

"Thank you, I'll never forget you Mamo-chan." She said finally and then ran out of the door.

Once the door clocked shut, the tears finally fell from Mamoru's eyes. Walking over to the bookcase he picked up a picture that he had treasured since the day it was taken. It was of him, Usagi and Chibi-Usa at the park, they were so filled with joy and happiness. It was the day Chibi-Usa had told them she was staying to train as a sailor senshi, although Usagi had hated the child when they first met the tears they shed that day were of pure love for the spirited young girl. Heartbreakingly the picture began to disappear from his hands, being changed with a photo of him and Usagi. And no Chibi-Usa. It was at that moment Mamoru realised the severity of what had happened, he'd lost his future wife and child in one small afternoon.


Usagi was running down the familiar streets to the home of the starlights, the air was beginning to turn cold as night was drawing in causing a slight burn in her lungs. Having reached the apartment block where the four were staying she pressed the intercom while trying to catch her breath.

"Can I help you?" A soft voice asked.

"Seiya, its me. Usagi, can we talk?" She asked panting slightly.

"Ok, I'll be down in a second." He said and then went silent.

Usagi began to pace back and forth trying to think of what she could say, and she was also trying to think of what Seiya would say. She knew the starlight was passionate and also someone who could make her melt with a single word, even when he said her name she would feel heat deep inside her very being.

"Odango." His calm voice called to her breaking her concentration.

Turning around she looked into his deep blue eyes, opening her mouth she tried to speak. But couldn't find the words, she stepped a little closer to him and he stepped a little closer to her. This continued until they were mere inches away from each other, Usagi could feel his breath as he looked down on her. Looking at the blonde Seiya couldn't hold back anymore, he crashed his lips onto Usagi's in a passionate act. Expecting the girl to pull away Seiya began to end the kiss, but Usagi wanted more. She wrapped her arms around his neck as fire raced through her veins filling her body with extreme heat, she craved this and so did Seiya. Breaking the kiss when oxygen was running low they stared into each other's blue eyes, it was almost like they complimented each other.

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