A Lot of Evolutions

Start from the beginning

Tierno nodded. "Yeah. I think it's been since we met up on Route 7." He turned to the old man. "Mr. Mega Evolution Guru... I've been wondering this whole time. Who is that over there?" Tierno gestured to Korrina.

"This is my granddaughter Korrina. She's Shalour City's Gym Leader." Korrina smiled as she saw Serena's eyes widen. "So, Sycamore's pupils. Now that you're all here... I suppose I should explain Mega Evolution to you. I assume you all know about Pokemon Evolution?" Shauna jumped with a raised hand.

"I know! I know!" She paused with a nervous smile. "Um... You have your Pokemon battle a lot, and then they grow stronger and evolve! Oh, and there are Pokemon that evolve with certain items~" She said feeling sure of herself.

"Some Pokemon evolve through friendship, and others only evolve in certain places." Serena and Calem added simultaneously and exchanged looks of surprised. Shauna giggled, while Trevor and Tierno exchanged knowing looks. Serena quickly looked back at the guru.

Korrina smiled. "Exactly! And it's likely that Pokemon evolve in a lot of other ways as well! But Mega Evolution is an Evolution that transcends all other Evolution!" She said. The guru nodded.

"Indeed! Mega Evolution is a transformation of Pokemon that were thought to be unable to evolve any further! It's a whole new level of power!"

"So in an Evolutionary line like Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard..." Trevor started, "Does that mean Charizard would be able to evolve even further?"

"Yep! Exactly right!" Korrina exclaimed. "But not all Pokemon have a Mega Evolution."

"There's a reason why I used the word "transformation" a moment ago." The guru said. "Mega Evolution differs from Evolution because it ends after a certain amount of time. In other words, it's a temporary Evolution."

"What?!" Shauna shouted. "It evolves, but then it goes back to what it was before?"

"Yes... Mega Evolution is a special kind of Evolution. That said, we still know very little about it." Guru said. "What we know now is that it requires special items. And the most important element is the trust between Pokemon and Trainer." Calem looked away in thought.

"Trust... In other words, the bond between Trainer and Pokemon!"

"To make Mega Evolution work, you need two items: a Mega Stone for the Pokemon and the Mega Ring, which has a mysterious stone set in it, for the Trainer." The M.E. guru observed the trainers. "Since Professor Sycamore entrusted each one of you with a Pokedex, I would like to give these items to all of you... I'd like to share them with you, but..." He paused. They looked at him questionably.

"But?" Shauna asked. "But what? Just come out and say it already!" She whined.

"Sorry, but presently, I have only one Mega Ring..." They all deflated. "It's a very precious item. That's why my research isn't getting anywhere... So I want all of you to decide among yourselves which one of you will be the one who challenges the Mega Evolution successor." Serena felt Korrina staring at her but chose not to notice. Tierno scratched his head.

"I'll pass. Pokemon battling isn't really my scene. So, Mega Evolution would be way out of my league." Shauna and Trevor nodded in agreement.

"Me, too! It really would be a cool memory, and it does look interesting, but..." Shauna looked away.

"I want to complete the Pokedex first. If you try to do too much at once, you won't accomplish anything."

Shauna looked between Serena and Calem. "So that leaves Seri and Calem, then."

Said two looked at each other in silence. It sounds cool... but... Calem looks like he really wants it, too. Tierno smiled. "Trainers don't get much better than you two." Calem walked a few feet away and turned to Serena with a pokeball in his hand.

"Serena, let's battle for it! No matter what the reason is, a battle is a good chance for the two of us to compete and see who Vaniville Town's best Trainer really is!" He challenged. Serena looked unsure but slightly smiled.

"I accept! Hikari!" The Helioptile came out of hiding behind her legs and got into battle stance.

"Looks like... I lost." Calem said with a blank look as he returned Quilladin. Serena hugged Kaen as they looked at Calem. "Your bonds with your Pokemon are really strong. I don't like losing much, but... I'm sure you'll be able to Mega Evolve your Pokemon!" He smiled a little. Serena didn't return it, knowing he must be really upset about losing. He only managed to take out Hikari.

Korrina stepped in. "There may be winners and losers in a Pokemon battle. But I really thought you two and your Pokemon were all winners!" She smiled at them. "Mega Evolutions is nothing more than just one way to make Pokemon stronger. There are many Trainers who bring out the strength of their Pokemon without Mega Evolution."

Gurkinn looked at Serena. "Well then, Serena! First, you should challenge Korrina, the Gym Leader. Hm... You have a Venusaur with you. then." He peered at the Seed Pokemon behind her. "I'm excited to see what the two of you will accomplish with the power of Mega Evolution!"

"Pokemon need a Mega Stone and Pokemon Trainers need the Mega Ring!" Korrina said. "Well, my mysterious Trainer, my Lucario may have taken a shine to you, but now I must test you to see if you're ready to challenge the Mega Evolution successor! I'll be waiting for you at the Gym!" She smiled. "Oh, the rest of your friends should come challenge me at the Gym, too!" With that said, she skated outside.

Calem smiled at Serena. "I'll bet the professor will be happy if you master Mega Evolution. That's one way you can show mastery as a Trainer." He left too.

"Well, that's what the professor wanted us to do, after all!" Shauna said. "He said we should aim to be the very best Trainers we can be and enjoy our journey!" Trevor turned to Tierno.

"Tierno. Shall we work to be the best trainers we can be, too?"

"All right, then! Let's aim for the top!" Tierno cheered. "Hope to see you again soon, Seri! See ya, Shaunee!" The two left also.

Gurkinn looked at Serena. "You don't really need to go to all the trouble of comparing--every living creature is unique. But still, having someone to compete against and aim for greater heights with is a very fine thing." He said. Shauna smiled.

"Seri, I think you and Calem are going to compete against each other and get really strong! I'm so glad we're all traveling together~!" She sang in happiness. Serena stared at her then smiled.

"Me too, Shauna... me too..." The blond sighed.


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