Damage Control

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You are entering a (crazy ass) trigger zone.
Please view all content with a sound and stable mind. Remember this is a work of fiction and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Carry on!!)

Sia sat there alone for hours, unmoving and unblinking. She felt numb. She blamed herself for everything and she didn't know how to take any of it. She finally got him back and because of her, he left.
'He doesn't want it.' And 'Get rid of it!' Kept shouting over and over again in her head. She covered her ears but the voices grew louder, their words poison.
Sia pulled at her hair and stood up from the bed. She shakily made her way to the master bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind her. She stood in front of the mirror, hating her tired, and lifeless reflection.
Her eyes were bloodshot and her skin was unsually pale, like all life drained from her the moment, Dark stepped out the room.
Sia screamed and punched the mirror, shattering it in a bunch of pieces that fell to the floor and in the sink with a loud clatter.
The blood tears ran down her cheeks and she lifted the largest piece up to view. A blue eye stared back at her through the mirror shard, taunting and urging her to continue with her plan.
'D͍͇̘̳̯͖ͅo̹ ͎̣̘̩̥i̙̭͓̠t̖̜̥̼̱.͉͙.̭̩̻.̱̟͉̙͙He͍͍͖̬ w͔̗ͅo̺͉̪̳͙͖ͅn̟̝̮̦̺̖'̩͔̭̣̻̗ṱ̼ ͇̤̞̟͈̳mi͎̫̫̯̙̱̟s̻s̖̥͍̱̬͓ͅ ̲̪̤̻͍̭y̻̣̺̣̮̯̥o̙̩̙u̱̠.̟̦̯ ͕͕̭͔͕D̞͖̲̘o ̠u̻s ̠͔̙̬a͇̼̗̪͓l͓̮̣̳̜͈l ͉̺͈̻̞a͚̞̦ ̻f̫a̦̫̗v̯̻͇or̖̭͕ a̼̱̪͖̪n̙̼̞d͇͔͚ di̫e.' 

Sia choked on a sob and ran the shard down her forearm, a euphoric feeling washing over her as her blood pour out from the fresh wound.

The was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the door and then a series of violent knocks.
"Sia? Open the door now." Dark said through the thick wooden door.
She ignored him and dropped the bloody shard to the floor. Her blood dripped freely and reality was beginning to go in and out.
"Sia, open this door now!" His voice came louder this time.
Sia collapsed on the cold tiles, her eyelids heavy and her breathing shallow. There was the sound of loud banging and the splitting of wood. She was so close to passing out by the time Dark was able to break down the door.
"No!" Dark cried as he pulled Sia in his arms. "What did you do!?"
"I-I fixed it.. You don't h-have to be mad at me a-anymore." Sia whimpered.
"I'm not letting you die." He said and the sound was fading and distorted.
There was sniffling, like someone was crying and then nothing.

(Dark's POV)
'You've killed her. Human don't  survive something like this.'
'Let her die. She's more trouble then she's worth.'
'Maybe it'll be okay..m-maybe it'll be okay..'
"FUCK!" he shouted and punched the wall so hard it cracked slightly.
Dark had wandered mindlessly out of the room after Sia told him the news. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to.
'How did this happen!? This wasn't supposed to happen..'
He was down the hall from his bedroom staring unblinking at the new hole in the wall. The sound of broken glass caught his attention and he rushed back to the room, running inhumanly fast. Dark quickly opened the door and made his way to the bathroom.
He knocked hard.
"Sia? Open the door now." He said as he pushed at it slightly contemplating breaking the damned thing down.
"Sia! Open this door now!" Dark shouted as his kicked at the door, making it shaking violently and splinter in places.
After a few more kicks, Dark was able to break down the door.
"No!" He shouted.
The sight made him sick to his stomach but it didn't stop him from lifting her in his arms.
"What did you do!?"
Her brown skin was scarily pale and blood was pouring out of her wound. She looked tired, her brown eyes heavy and filled with tears.
"I-I fixed it.. You don't h-have to be mad at me a-anymore." Sia groaned out.
"I'm not letting you die!" Dark cried.
The spot where his heart is never hurt so bad. It was excruciating. Like a part of him was ripped out.
Inky black tears fell from his eyes, falling on Sia's cheek staining them black.

~Sad Time Skip~
Dark was able to stop the bleeding, forgetting he had some expertise in causing and closing wounds. Luckily, Sia didn't cut too deep, otherwise he would've watched her die.
Dark shook at the idea of that happening and he clung to Sia's passed out form like a life line. He didn't want to let her go, not even to clean the blood and glass on the floor, a job that he could easily do at the snap of a finger.
Dark couldn't let her go, for the first time her was scared and he did not like the feeling. It made him paranoid and nervous.
'You should've let her do it.. That thing..will just end up killing her slowly.'
'Oooo I like the way you think! Hahaha, slow and painful it is then!'
I ignored my crazed thoughts and looked down at her shirt that was raised slightly over her belly, noticing a small bump there that was covered in little black and blue bruises. 
"I..I'll get that thing out of you. I'll stop it from killing you." Dark muttered into her soft hair. "We'll be okay.."

~What do you think? Lemme know if you guys like this..feedback is totes important. I know this book won't be as popular as my first but I'm trying to make it better...
Thanks for reading lovelies. Stay tuned for more! XD~

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