Inner Turmoil

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'What made this bitch so special!?'
'You know he'll hurt you if you touch her.'
'Kill her! Kill her! Kill! Hahahaha!'
The voices seemed to like yelling all at once and we often argued over who talks first. They never listen.
"Ugh, shut up!" I shouted as I pulled at my hair.
The lights that had been flickering had finally gone out at the sound of my voice. The voices died down a bit, lingering still in the back of my mind. I chuckled to myself and licked my lips.
"That's better." I said with a large smile.
I looked down at the unconscious figure on the floor. I looked her up and down and my smiled doubled in size. Her skin looked so smooth.. I desired so much to ruin it. I noticed the bruises and the few scars on her chest and neck and pouted slightly.
"Aww.. Did Darkimoo, do that ta ya?" I spoke softly to her sleeping for. Leaning down to caress the skin on her cheek.
"Yer gonna be beggin fer him when I get done wit ya." I growled.

Dark always had a thing for torture so I knew just where to take her for a bit After all it was my favorite room in his house. We spent a lot of time in that room.
'I'd like ta think it brought us..closer.' I thought to myself.
'Senpai will never notice you! Hahaha!' One the voices cackled.
The sound vibrated against my skull. I growled at no one.
Looking up towards the chains hanging on the walls, I admired my handywork.
The girl was chained up to the wall. Hanging there lifeless, sun light weakly shining through the window causing her smooth skin to glow faintly.
"Anti's gonna have some fun!" A voice that wasn't my own came out of my mouth.
I walked up to her suspended body, chills running delightfully running up my spine.
I ran my fingers through her hair and pulled it back to get a better look at her face.
'She is so pretty.'
'Ruin that face!'
'He'll never forgive you.'
I ignores the voices and slapped her across the face to wake her.
We were going to have some good ol fun.
(Sia's POV)
My face was sore and it felt like my hair was being pulled. I opened my eyes slightly, green and blue ones met my gaze.
I whimpered when he pulled my hair back more, exposing my bruised neck to him.
"What are you doing!?" I yelled at him and struggle against what I noticed was chains around my wrists.
I was met with a slap across the face.
"You do not speak ta me that way, lass." He growled at me, baring his teeth a bit.
I whimpered and he laughed loudly, his phycotic cackle bouncing off the walls of the stone room.
Great I was back where I started, the dark, wet room that I spent my first couple of days in Dark's grasp.
'Dark will kill you! You whore! You deserve to die!' The voice yelled at me.
I shook off the sound and Anti gave me a look of confusion which he quickly covered with a sick grin.
"Yer not right in the head are ya, lass?" He asked, tilting his head to the side like a child.
"W-What?" I was surprised by his question.
"I know crazy when I see's it." He laughed, "I can't hear yer thoughts. That means there is something else there talkin to ya."
I didn't answer, the voice in my head was yelling curses and threats at this point. I couldn't figure out who they were directed to.
"Oh this is going ta be fun." He said out loud.
Anti dropped my head and ran his sharp nail down my front, cutting what little clothes I had down the middle. I winced as he clawed down my skin, leaving a bloody red line behind.
His eyes seemed to glow eeirily brighter as my blood dripped from his claws. He licked them clean and groaned deep in his throat.
I didn't have time to question anything before he slammed his chapped lips against my own, immediately shoving his disgusting long tongue in my mouth. I could taste the coppery notes of my blood on his tongue. The voice then became voices, screaming and cursing my name, my very being.
Anti gripped my breasts with his clawed hands, leaving more cuts on my skin. He nipped at the skin on my neck, leaving hickies behind.
"S-Stop.." I whimpered, trying not to make a sound when he licked at a sensitive spot on my neck.
He took a step back and stared at me. The grin never left his face. He started to undue his belt and my heart pounded hard in my chest.
"Don't touch me..please don't touch me." I begged him as tears stained my cheeks.
Anti's laugh mixed with the screams in my head was enough to drive one bat shit crazy.
The Irish demon took a step back, eyeing my exposed flesh like I was a t-bone steak. His gaze made my skin crawl. With an evil smile he began to undress, first pulling off his T-shirt, showing up his surprisingly muscled and scared torso.
'He has nothing on, Dark.' The voice in my head spoke, making me blush in response. I watched in horror as he slowly undid his belt, hooking it around my neck like a leash. I struggled against him and he pulled on the belt, cutting off my air.
"It's best ya don't fight me, girly." Anti said with a chuckled. 
He quickly undid the chains on my wrists and pulled on the belt around my neck, forcing my naked body against his. My breasts pressed against his chest and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
'Get your fucking hands off!' The voices screamed.
Anti's smile widened.
"Get down on your knees." He ordered.
"N-No." I challenged him.
He pulled at the leather around my neck, forcing me roughly to my knees. I winced and groaned in pain when my bones made contact with the hard stone.
He placed his hand on my head, forcing me to look up at him.
"You are gonna do what I say or I will happily rip yer throat out and leave you here for Dark ta find. Is that what you want?" He asked.
For the first time since he showed up, his smile disappeared and it scared the hell out of me. I couldn't speak, so I nodded my understanding.
Fight and die.. It wasn't rocket science.

-Soo tell me what you guys think so far. Love it or hate it?

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