Anti The Babysitter

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For the first time since Dark saved me 'Saved?' I didn't have a nightmare. I actually slept peacufully. As if giving myself to him was the cure to my night terrors. I could barely remember them now.
The voice hasnt stopped talking but it was faint like a whisper. It was like I had a friend that never left my house...and lived inside my head. I felt warmth wrapped around me.
"Is this what love feels like?" I whispered to no one.
'How should I know? I've never loved.' The voice spoke back.
"Will anyone ever love me?"
'Why would anyone love a whore like you?' The voiced laughed as it spoke.
The sound felt natural coming out of my throat, soft and mocking.

I woke up with my head still resting on his chest, only the setting was different. We were back in his room wrapped up, naked in his bed sheets. He held me tight, snoring softly with his face buried in my hair. My heart swelled and I couldn't bring myself to question why. I didn't care that I was broken so easily. I didn't want to know how it happened. I was already used to the voice I think, so I didnt care.
I suddenly felt Dark shift under me.

(Dark's POV)
All I could smell with the stench of desire and something tropical when I finally woke up. The same smell that lured me to her in the first place. Her scent was stronger then anyone's I've ever come across, so much so, that it distracted me from feeding that night. Her thoughts even echoed in my brain louder then any screams of pain could in the past, so you could understand my surprise when I woke up to silence.
I looked down at her, what I saw made my heart pound. She looked up at me from where she laid on my chest, her curls were messy and all over the place. Her full lips were parted slightly and her big round brown eyes, whichly were oddly glazed over, stared back at me.
'Ugh, why is she so fucking cute!?' I thought angrily to myself before I sat up, pushing her off of me and on the bed. She fell back on the bed with a small squeak, and suddenly her thoughts filled my brain, hitting me like a freight train. I stumbled back, my vision blurred a bit.
'What the fuck was that!?' I thought.
I looked down at Sia, who was still sitting on the bed, her eyes no longer glazed over but was looking at me concerned.
'Is he okay?' Her voice echoed against my brain.
I growled at her and turned to leave the room, closing the door roughly behind me. I needed to be away from her. Whatever is going on with her weakened me slightly and I needed to feed because of it. I haven't hunted since that night I found Sia and I was just dying to sick my teeth into something, but I couldn't leave her here alone.
The last thing I needed was for her to try to escape, or even for her to hurt herself.
I paused a bit at the thought.
"What do I care if she hurts herself?" I mumbled to myself as I reached into my pocket for my phone.

I hated calling Anti. Like really hated it. Sure we may be demons and we often work together but he was..different from me. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no angel. I've killed my fair share of people along with him, but for strictly for business and survival purposes. Anti just killed for fun.
Its fun and all, but if we weren't careful we could get caught and get sent right back to where we came from for an eternity of punishment.
I trusted him for the most part, I intimidate him so I knew he won't do anything too crazy to Sia while I'm gone.

I kept the conversation very short, telling him to get his ass over here as quickly as possible before hanging up. A chill ran through the house and the lights started to flicker on and off.
'Seriously?' I couldn't help but think.
Anti's face appeared on every mirror like surface. His visage was somewhat gruesome as his face was covered in blood. Who's blood, I wasn't sure of. His green and blue eyes glowed in the darkness of the room.
I actually rolled my eyes when his laughter bounced off the walls.

"Boo." Anti said from behind me.
I turned to face the shorter demon, glaring down at him intensely.
"Your the bane of my existence." I growled at him.
Anti just chuckled at me. His teeth razor sharp and somehow shined on the lack of light due to his eyes.
He stopped for a moment to sniff the air, closing his eyes and breathing deep.
"There is a girl here." He spoke finally.
Anti opened his eyes slowly, grinning like a madman.
"Oh, Darky. Yer sharing her?" He asked, his accent getting thicker.
He licked his lips and my eyes narrowed. I didn't answer right away. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my shaking hands.
"You are to watch her while I go and hunt. I am not sharing this one." I made my way toward the door, snapping my fingers to unlock the many locks that kept the door secured.
Anti snorted and followed behind me. "Oh and one more thing." I said, turning to face him.
I shoved the smaller demon against the wall, my hand wrapped firmly around his neck, pressing his shock collar into his skin.
"You touch her, and I'll send you back to the dank hole you crawled out from." I growled.
"Hey! My mother was a saint!" Anti chuckled crazily at his joke.
I rolled my eyes and released him, taking a step back from the Irish demon.
He finished laughing and looked at me with his wide heterochromia eyes, his sharp canines bared in sick grin.
"Tell me, Darky. Why aren't ya sharing all of a sudden? We used to share the spoils. What makes this one so special?" He asked me, his bushy eyebrows raising in question.
"Just make sure she doesn't go anywhere." I said, ignoring all his pestering and walked out of the door, slamming it so hard I might have to refix the paintings in the all rooms when I get back.

(Sia's POV)
Strangely enough I didn't question why the lights flickered and I figured the faces i was seeing was all in my head. With the way things have been lately, I doubted I'd be asking too many questions. A different laugh from the one in my head, filled my ears. It wasn't Dark's laughter, nor was it the voice I had become accustomed to.  This one sounded more..deranged.
From the room I was in, I could just barely make out two voices from the floor below.
'I wonder what was wrong with, Dark.' I wondered to myself as I slowly put my outfit back on, which was scattered all of the room.
I placed my cat ears back on top of my curls and looked at myself on the mirror.
Bruises and bite marks littered the skin on my neck like tattoos. I raised a shaky hand and touched the sensitive skin, wincing slightly.
'Look at you. Your enjoying this.'  The voice in my head taunted.
I ignored the voice, but jumped a bit when another filled the room. I turned to face the door, the lack of light did nothing to hide him from view.
His green and blue eyes glowed the same way Dark's did.
"So yer the one I'm "ordered" to watch." He hissed at me, a sick grin on his handsome face.
His green hair, wild and slightly unkempt covered his face a bit. He was smaller then Dark, possibly not as strong but just as dangerous none the less. There was an aura of insanity that surrounded him.
'You would know.' My voice spoke.
I should probably name her.
I was brought back to reality when the man began to fill the distance in between us.
I felt his eyes run up and down my body and I subconsciously covered myself with my hands.
"W-Who are you?" I stuttered.
My question seemed to please him, his grin grew, showing off his razor sharp teeth.
"Well, gorgeous, since ya asked so nicely. I'm Anti. And while Dark is gone, ya answer ta me. Understand?" He said, his smile never fading.
I chose not to answer, figuring that I really had no choice but to listen to him.
'Dark, wouldn't let him touch me. Would he?' I thought to myself and began to shake.
'I'm sure you'd like it. After all, you gave into Dark after a few days. Your a whore.' Said the voice. Laughter filled my head and tears began to roll down my cheeks.
"No.." I whimpered, taking a few steps back.
The smile on his face didn't drop in the slightest.
"No? Well then, kitty, let's see ya  put up a fight." He growled and darkness was all I could see.

You're Mine Now (Prequel To Forced Together) (Book 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя