Its Time

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(Sia's POV)
I woke up the the sound of glass breaking. I was half asleep and didn't realize that that wasn't a normal sound until I felt a presense in the room with me. One that wasn't Dark's.
"Did you miss me?" He spoke the same line that haunted me every night in my dreams.
My heart sank and I couldn't breathe. My body shoke violently as I sat up on the bed, backing away from the heterochromia eyed demon.
A pain shot through my abdomen and I screamed suddenly. Anti snarled and rushed over to the bed, roughly grabbing me and dragged me off the bed and toward the window.
My legs were weak and I didn't have the strength to fight back, I was to busy staring wide eyed at the blood stain were I laid a few seconds prior. I was then pulled out the window, I did my best to protect my belly as he dragged me off into the night.
(Fast Forward)
I don't know where he took me but where it was, it had a cold, lifeless feel about it. The pain in my abdomen was intense and I could just make out the puddle of blood under where I sat. I couldnt even rub my belly due to my hands being tied above me.
"D-Dark.." I whimpered when another contraction took over.
A twisted giggle filled the air and Anti walked out of the shadows, his body riddled with fresh scars and cuts, his smile still the same.
"He's the reason your here right now, las." He drawled.
"He got to close. Fell in *love*. And with you!? Its disgusting." He hissed.
His smile was gone now. I wasn't sure what scared me more.
"I'm going to kill you. And that thing inside you." He said as he cocked his head to the side, a grin creeping back on his face and his eyes flashed dangerously.
"N-No.. Please... I didn't do anything to you. Why are you d-doing this?" I said weakly, moaning in pain when another contraction came and went.
"As if I need a reason! But if you must know..." Anti paused.
He had an unreadable expression before he spoke up.
"Things were better before you. He doesn't even torture anymore! It was so *much* fun before he found you.. He doesn't even hunt the same. Killing hobos and bad people..because of you.." He said, his accent getting deeper as he grew angry.
I cried out, unable to help myself. The pain was becoming more and more frequent. I was dripping with sweat at this point.
"Where is he..where is Dark?"
"Oh he'll be here.. Don't worry. But first, we gotta get that out of you." Anti said as he pointed at my belly.
"Don't hurt her!" I screamed when a contraction ripped through me once more.
My arms were burning and I cried, desperately trying to pull at the chains.
Anti's laugh filled the room, the sound rang loudly in my ears and I winced.
'He's gonna kill you'
'Dark won't come for you. He wanted this to happen. He never wanted the baby.'
I was crying hysterically by now, pulling constantly at the chains. I was thankful that I was sitting on the floor. I was certain I wouldn't be able to support my weight otherwise.
Anti appeared to my left suddenly and stared my down, his smile never fading.
"You know.. This seems like more fun ta watch. I did always enjoy slow and painful deaths.. Haha look your bleeding everywhere!" He stated joyfully, clapping his hands together like an amused child.
"" I choked out through the pain.
Anti's multicolored eyes flashed dangerously and he raised his hand and backhanded me.
"Don't tempt me now." He said and went back to watching me struggle through the contractions.
They were much closer together now, which didn't seem possible but I didn't have time to question it, the baby was coming and she was coming now.
I was lucky to have been just wearing one of Dark's t-shirts when I was kidnapped, so delivery her won't be restricted.
I screamed my lungs out over and over, fresh tears running down my cheeks.
I couldn't stop it, everything in me was telling me to push, so I did.
I felt like something in me was breaking. I couldn't put words to the pain I was experiencing.
I wasn't sure how I felt when I finally heard her cry. Relief, fear, love?

All these emotions swelled in my chest as I looked down at my baby girl.
"A-Aurora.. Mommy is h-here.." I whimpered.
Anti reached down and roughly grabbed the newborn off the floor before I could get a good look at her.
'I wonder if she looks like Dark..'
'Hopefully and not your ugly ass!'
She ignored the voices in her head.
"Please don't-"
"ANTI!" shouted someone from outside the room.
Anti giggled and backed into the shadows, shushing me as went. The cries of my daughter went quiet when the darkness engulfed the two.
I wanted to scream for Dark but I didnt have the strength to call out, to even lift my head.
"D-Dark.." I whispered.
(3rd Person)
The sound of wood splitting filled her senses. Sia found it strange. She didnt even question the lack of pain in her arms or the warmth from a body clinging to hers.
"Sia! Sia, please be okay.." Dark cried as he held her against his chest.
Sia's eyes focused on the demon in front of her.
" her.. G-Get her back.. Please.." She said weakly.
"I will not leave you here. We can go. I can take you and we can just go.." He begged.
This upset her.
"Save my baby!" She screamed with the last of her strength. "Save our daughter, Dark.. P-Please." Sia said.
Her skin was pale now and the only thing she could move were her eyes.
Inky black tears were running down Dark's.
"Okay..I'll get her back.. I'll get her back and I'll come back for you!" Dark exclaimed.
The was a loud sound, similar to a crack of lightning suddenly and it was like all the air was suddenly being sucked from the room. Dark turned to face the source of the noise, his body tensed.
Aurora's cry could be heard now and Anti stepped from the shadows, a large spinning void like hole next to him. Screams and strange chanting could be heard from the hole and Sia could see that Dark was panicked under the surface.
"You know, Darky. Sia. You guys make one cute kid." Anti said allowing us a brief glimpse at our baby girl.
She had a full head of jet black hair. Her skin was an olive complexion. But the most enchanting thing about her was her bright hazel eyes that seemed to stared into your soul.
"A-Aurora.." Dark whimpered as he gazed at the child, completely taken over by shock.
"Say bye, bye to mommy and daddy!" Anti exclaimed before tossing Aurora in the portal next time him before Dark could move from Sia's side.
"NOOO!" he yelled before launching himself at Anti just as the portal closed.

You're Mine Now (Prequel To Forced Together) (Book 2)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα