Your New Home

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The room I woke up in was dark as hell to say the least. My head felt like something blunt had knocked me out. My vision slowly adjusted to the little light from a tiny window a few feet away. The floor was cold and dirty. A few wet spots were present and I couldn't tell if it was from leaky pipes or something more sinister.

I stretched my limps and tried to stand but something obstructed my movement. A rusty chain was wrapped around my neck. I turned to see that it was bolt to the stone wall. My heart dropped to my stomach.
Who ever brought me here, has absolutely no intention on letting me go.

I jumped slightly at the sound of footsteps on the floor above. My kidnapper was home. I realized I had no memory of the night before, as if something or someone had wiped my brain clean. To say I was terrified was an understatement. Looking down I noticed I was still in my normal clothes, only now my favorite purple sweater and black skinny jeans they were tattered and dirty.

The footsteps drew closer to where I was, where that may be, and my heart quickened in my chest. I could barely search my surroundings due to the short leash I was on. I cursed to myself when the footsteps stopped outside of, what I could make out in the darkness, a large metal door. There was a sound of a key being inserted into a few locks and the door suddenly swung open, violently hitting the wall next to it.

I was having a panic attack at this point, but I did my best to hide the fear I was experiencing. And seeing as though a large shadow from what I could only assume was a man, was standing in the doorway. Blazing red eyes cut flawlessly through the lack of light and piercing my soul. I could sense that the entity was smiling, as if he could smell my fear dripping off me like sweat.
"Hello, my dear." A voice filled my head.
It sounded as if the man was right behind me, breathing his hot breath down my neck. He never moved from his spot in the doorway.
"Where am I?" I said firmly, my voice thankfully not giving away to my fear.
He chuckled low in his throat, the sound sending shivers down my spine.
"Your in my home. Our home" Came his reply.
The moonlight shined through the tiny window and onto him, showing half of his face. He was pale to say the least and very muscular. If he wasn't my kidnapper I'd say the man was gorgeous. His almond shaped eyes were partially covered by his red hair. His jaw line was strong looking and he had an acceptable amount of stubble.
He wasn't very tall, but he was definitely taller then me.
"O-Our home?" I questioned.
"I don't repeat myself." He growled at me.
"Let me go home. I don't know what it is you want, but I don't need to be here." I said carefully.
I took a step back when he stepped inside the room. My back hit the wall as he entered, the room dropped in temperature. He put both arms against the wall, trapping me in between them.
My heart was beating so loud I'm sure people miles away could hear it.
"This is your home now, kitten." He purred right before he kissed me.

You're Mine Now (Prequel To Forced Together) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now