Let's Make A Deal

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My dream terrified me. No, what I experienced was a nightmare. Dark invaded my mind, forcing me to re-live the horror he made me suffer through not long ago. Over and over and over. I felt violated. I felt hatred. I felt..alive?

I shot straight up gasping for breath. My eyes darted to each side of the room, confirming that I was indeed alone. I placed a hand to my chest, where my heart was practically beating out of it.
"I have to get the fuck out of here." I muttered.
I lifted my hand and pulled at the metal collar around my neck. The dirty iron chains bounced off the walls making a sound that almost mocked me. Tears welled up behind my eyes as I struggled against the chains.
I screamed in frustration and dropped the chains. I froze when I heard movement from upstairs. Heavy footsteps pounded the floor above my head as if the person was pissed off at a certain girl banging around chains.
I dropped to the floor, bringing my knees close to my chest, breathing heavy. The room was silent, except for a few drops of water dripping on the stone floor from the rusty pipes above. All I could hear was that and my own heart beat, pouring out of my chest.
I yelped, jumping slightly as the huge iron door swung open. Once again the room went ice cold. I pulled my knees closer to my body and shivered as the cold air touched my naked flesh. Red eyes were staring at me from the doorway. I held my breath as he took a step inside my prison.
His hair covered half his face and his teeth were bared. He looked deranged. He looked intimidating.. He looked..gorgeous.
I mentally shook myself.
'What the fuck are you thinking!? He must've done something to my head.' I thought.
"You blame me for your perverted thoughts?" He growled, a smirk replaced his frown.
I cursed to myself.
"Your thoughts are your own, kitten. You want me." He said as his cold hand caressed my cheek. "You want my hands all over you."
His touch made goosebumps appear all over.
"I don't want shit to do with you!" I shouted as I slapped his hand away from my face. "I want to be as far away from you as possible." I sneered.
Instead of hitting me like I thought he would, Dark simply..chuckled. I wasnt sure what scared me more.
He got down to my level, his eyes glowing mischievously.
"Let me make a deal with you." He purred as he ran his cold hands ups my legs, forcefully pulling them down so that I was exposed to him.
I blushed but let him continue.
"If I can break you..completely make you submit to me in five days from now.. I'll let you go free." He whispered the last part, his breathe made me tremble slightly as it caressed my neck.
"A-And if I break?" I stuttered.
I already knew the answer. Dark smiled at me, a genuine smile that frightened me.
"Then you'll belong to me for the rest of your life. You'll answer to me. You'll obey me." His words caressed my skin, sparking a fire deep within me.
I did my best to surpress it.
"I don't have a choice do I?" I said finally.
Dark didn't answer, only continue to smile his twisted smile that made my insides contort with both fear..and want.
'I won't let him break me..' I thought to myself.
"We'll see." He said with a chuckle before standing up and making his way back to the door and slamming it shut behind him.
The sound echoed through the room and I felt tears fall down my cheeks.
'I'll get out of here.' I thought finally as I let my brain shut down for a few hours of terrifying peace.

You're Mine Now (Prequel To Forced Together) (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora