"Justin you can't do that! Get things we actually need! Or let me do the shopping." I told him.

"Fine." He groaned. I laughed rolling my eyes. This is gonna take a while.



"What do you wanna do now?" I asked Hailee as we finished putting our many groceries in the cupboards. She shrugged.

"I don't know. We could go watch a movie." She said. I nodded and we went to the couch turning on Netflix. "You pick." She said handing me the remote. I flipped through Netflix deciding to watch a scary movie. Only a few minutes in Hailee's phone rang. She groaned pulling it out of her pocket. I paused the movie for her so she could answer it.

"Hello?...... Yeah I'll go I go every year. Yeah..... No I want him to. Okay bye." She hung up the phone throwing it on the couch next to her. She turned to me. "That was my mom. She called to tell me we are going on our trip to Texas like every year before christmas. And she wanted to know if you wanna come?"

"Yeah I guess. It could be fun." I agreed. She smiled and kissed me.

"Yay! We are leaving tomorrow night." She told me. I nodded and we turned our attention back to the movie. When the movie was over I saw Hailee passed out with her head on my lap. I leaned down kissing her forehead and fell asleep with her.



The next night came around and me and Justin were packing. Justin kept messing around making me laugh. We finished packing and took our bags to the car. We said goodbye to Stephanie and Ryan then headed to my parents house. We pulled up in the driveway and took out bags to my parents car so we could do with them to the airport and then went inside. I was greeted my Penny jumping on me. I bent down ad picked her up. "Hey buddy." I cooed at her. I heard Ally run downstairs so I handed Penny to Justin who went to go play with her.

"Hailee!!!" Ally screamed running into my arms. I laughed at how happy she was to see me.

"Hey Ally! How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good." She said walking over to Justin and Penny. "Hello Justin."

"Hey beautiful." He said giving her a hug. I smiled at the two of them and took the Penny's toy from Justin.

"Come here Penny." I said and she pranced towards me putting the toy in her mouth and pulling on it, trying to get it out of my hand. I wish she could come with me to the apartment but I can't. There's no dogs aloud. Besides, she will give Ally something to do. Penny's barking brings me out of my thoughts so I grabbed her picking her up. "What are you barking about?" I joked in a baby voice which cause Justin to laugh. A smirk appeared on my face and he sat down on the floor next to me.

"Common their here!" I heard mom yell from the top of the stairs. Me and Justin both looked up and saw her come downstairs. "Hey guys!"

"Hey mom." I said standing up putting Penny in Justin's lap giving my mom a hug. Justin and Ally were now laying on the floor by the couch both of them playing with Penny. A smile creeped on my face as I watched them interact together. I heard feet on the steps so I turned to see dad jogging down the steps.

"Hey Hails." He said pulling me into a hug an then taking his suitcase and Ally's suitcase out to the car like mom did. I walked bak over to Justin and Ally seeing Justin was on the phone.

"Yeah mom. Yeah. I don't know! Okay I'll call you later? Okay. I don't know mom! Okay. I love you too. Bye." He hung up and put his phone back in his pocket.

"What was that about?" I asked with a smile on y face since he sounded annoyed. He shook his head.

"Mom was worried about what was going on." He rolled his eyes making me laugh.

"Alright well, Ally go get in the car and me and Justin will get Penny's stuff." I told her. She hopped off the floor and ran outside. I went upstairs to get Penny's cage we had to put her in to go on the plane with and then put an old blanket in it to make her feel more comfortable. I went back downstairs and saw Justin still laying on the floor with Penny. "Okay Justin can you do me a favor?"

"Hmm?" He replied not very interested in what I had to say since he was to busy with the dog.

"Can you go get her leash and a container with her dog food in it?" I asked him.

"Only of you help me up." He said holding his up in the air for me to help. I rolled my eyes grabbing his hands, only able to lift his back off the ground. He was laughing which made me laugh. "Justin you have to help me too!" I said trying to be serious but I couldn't stop laughing. He didn't listen to me, and I'm pretty sure he pulled his weight down even more so it would make it harder. I groaned and let go of his hands, his back hitting the floor again. "Oww." He said between his bursts of laughter, which I was now doing. I walked into the kitchen trying to calm down my laughter. Justin finally got up and followed me in. I grabbed a container and shoved it at him telling him to put Penny's food in it. She came prancing along into the kitchen when she heard Justin getting into her food. I rolled my eyes at her grabbing her leash off the hook and clipped it onto Penny's collar. Justin put the lid on the container of food and we went outside shutting and locking the door behind us. We got into the car where everyone was waiting. "Okay. Leggo!"

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