Sequel~ One

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Chapter 1


"Hailee are you ever gonna come out of there?!?!" I kept hearing my parents yell from the other side of the door. Today makes it three months since we left Toronto. I still can't handle it.

"What's the point of getting up anyway. It's not like he's here with me or anything." I croaked, my voice cracking. I heard the door open and my mom came in shutting the door behind her. She sat down on the bed next to me and I bullied my face in the pillows. I just thought about Justin. How much I missed him. How I missed his nineteenth birthday. My parents told me the reason I was forced into moving back to Texas with them is so they wont miss me. Stupid reason. I know. But them being selfish had to separate me from the most important person to me.

"Hailee, we know you miss him. But you have to get over it." She told me.
"I can't mom. Don't you understand. Justin was the first real love I ever bad. You can't expect me to get over him." I snapped sitting up. "You saw how sad we were saying goodbye. I still feel like that." I cried letting tears fall.

"Sweetheart I know how you feel-"

"No you don't. You don't know what it feels like to know you're never gonna see the person you love again." I interrupted her. "Please just go. I want to be alone." She sighed and left the room. I put my head on my knees and cried for a while until I heard my phone go off. I grabbed it seeing a notification from Facebook. It said 'Justin Bieber updated his status'. I smiled knowing that was from when we were still together. I opened Facebook reading his status.

I miss her so much. Maybe a little bit to much. I think about her all day. I wish she was here so I could have woke her up and said 'Happy Valentines day babe'.

I smiled knowing it was obviously about me. I wiped my tears seeing Stephanie was online. I quickly sent her a message. 'Tell everybody I miss them'. Instead of waiting for a reply I logged off and put my phone down catching a glimpse of my lock screen. I picked it back up and looked at it. Still that picture of Justin ice skating. I smiled remembering that day. That day was perfect. I would do anything just to go back.



"Justin are you ever gonna leave this room?" Stephanie asked opening the door letting a little amount of light in.

"No." I groaned lifting my head from the pillow and propped myself up on my elbow. She came over to me and sat down hugging me. I let my arms hug her back.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered pulling out of it. My eyes got watery but I held back tears. Stephanie got up and went to the window pulling back the curtains and the bright light shone through. I squinted covering my eyes with my hand.

"Too bright!" I shrieked receiving a laugh from Stephanie.

"Justin common!"

"Ok, ok, I'm up. I'll get up." I said hanging my feet over the edge of the bed.

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