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Vince was one of the last people to go, being late in the alphabet. Once every senior had graduated, they were called back up to the stage, where they tossed their caps. Cheerful cries filled the auditorium. Some kids rushed off stage to leap on friends and family.

Tommy stood, watching with an open heart as Nikki hopped off the stage, hiking his gown up to his waist, exposing his unprofessional tight jeans and combat boots as he dashed up the aisle. Tommy quickly slid past the other people in his row, making it into the aisle just in time for Nikki to leap mercilessly on him. Tommy laughed, feeling Nikki bury his nose in his neck as he hugged him tightly. The drummer let his tears flow freely, kissing the top of Nikki's head. The smaller boy leaned back a little, staring lovingly into Tommy's eyes before pressing their lips together. Their eyes slid closed as they held each other, breaking their lips apart a moment later. Tommy kissed Nikki's temple gently, holding his boyfriend snugly against him. Tommy realized he didn't care anymore what the officials thought. They couldn't ever touch them now.

"I am so proud of you." He whispered, eyes dampening with joyful tears once more. Nikki kissed him softly, laughing weakly, chest heaving from his run.

"I love you so much." The smaller boy murmured against Tommy's lips, giggling.

"I love you, too." Tommy smiled, running his fingers through Nikki's hair with a caring touch.

"Thank you." Nikki smiled as Tommy began to sway them gently.

"For what?" The drummer furrowed his brows, puzzled.

"I don't think I would've graduated if it wasn't for you. One way or another." Nikki laughed, caressing his lover's cheek with his fingertips.

"Oh, hush.. I'm glad at least one of us graduated." Tommy snickered, hands secure around Nikki's waist. Happy noises surrounded them, inside and out.


Nikki had nearly forgotten that his parents were here, too. He laughed, breaking free of Tommy's grip to hug and kiss them.

Tommy watched, smiling broadly.

"Ready to go to the afterparty in the gym?" Nikki giggled, taking Tommy's hand in his and starting to lead them out. Nikki's parents went off to talk to some teachers.

"Wait, wait.. babe, let's wait for Mick and Vince." Tommy laughed at Nikki's enthusiasm, gently tugging him back to him. Nikki bounced in happy circles around him, leaping cheerfully on his two friends once they came up the aisle to them.

Mick laughed, gently pushing Nikki off him and onto Vince. The blonde accepted the hug gratefully, smiling.

"I can't believe we made it." Vince laughed, letting Nikki go so he could scoot over to Tommy and grab his hand.

"Me neither.. but I totally can believe that we'll miss out on the cake if we don't hurry." Nikki snickered, leading the way out of the auditorium. Tommy followed, laughing softly, Mick and Vince trotting hand-in-hand behind them.

"Remember about dinner later, don't fill up on cake." Tommy murmured softly, laughing as he gently pushed his boyfriend forward by the small of his back. Nikki giggled, letting go of Tommy to follow his friends over to the food table.

Tommy smiled softly, leaning against the wall and gazing around the room. There were a few large groups of kids across the huge cafeteria, cliques, no doubt. Nikki, Vince, and Mick looked like a trio of giant fluffy puffballs, thanks to their hair. There were a few girls following Vince around, but they left as soon as he leaned in and kissed Mick without noticing that they were even there. It made Tommy laugh.

Suddenly, there was someone beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Mrs. Sullivan.." Tommy turned, greeting her and smiling sweetly. "How are you?"

The middle-aged blonde lady smiled back, taking a sip of her strong-smelling coffee. Her red lipstick stained the foam cup.

"I've been okay. It's good to be back in the school, even though I won't be teaching again until next year. It's wonderful to see my students graduating, even the ones who were having trouble, like Nikki.. I.. This isn't a good time, but I heard about what happened." She murmured uncomfortably, frowning.

Tommy held back a heavy sigh, forcing the smile to stay on his face, at least half of it.

"Uh.. yeah. I.. I don't know what you want me to say but-"

"Mrs. Sullivan!" An excited cry sounded from just behind them. Nikki darted up to the two adults, plate full of sickly-sweet smelling vanilla cake in his hand.

"Hold this, babe?" The smaller boy grinned, handing Tommy his plate. Once the drummer took it, Nikki leapt upon his old teacher, hugging her tightly.

"It's wonderful to see you, Nikki," Mrs. Sullivan smiled, hugging him tightly for a moment. She let him go and stared into his eyes for a few seconds. "How are your plans for college coming?"

Nikki laughed awkwardly.

"They're non-existent, actually.. me and Tommy are in a band, and we've got a record deal now."

"Oh, so that's the direction you're going now?" She murmured pointedly at Tommy. He almost felt attacked. "Well, best of luck to you both, with everything you.. do."

Nikki frowned, sensing the conversation's incoming death.

"You really don't have to be so awkward over the fact that we're together." Nikki blurted out, addressing the elephant in the room and grabbing Tommy's hand.

Tommy was still holding Nikki's cake, and the smell was starting to waft up to him. Oh no, now he wanted cake, too.

"I.. I'm happy for you." She forced out. Nikki wasn't satisfied with this.

"Tommy helped me pass math, y'know. If it wasn't for him, I easily would've failed."

"I didn't do that much." Tommy mumbled, staring down at his feet. He hated awkward encounters.

"'Didn't do much'. What a lie. This guy stayed after school nearly every day and walked me through everything we did. He was amazing." Nikki couldn't tell if he was arguing with Tommy or trying to impress Mrs. Sullivan.

"That sounds wonderful.. it just seems terrible that you won't be following through with your career." The math teacher murmured, taking another sip of her coffee.

"Eh, it's not a huge deal to me, honestly. Now I've got a lovely boyfriend, a future set up with my real dream, and a life about to start.. actually, I'm happier with how things turned out." Tommy murmured, realizing that he was, indeed, happy. Suddenly it felt like he was floating.

"You can't help who you fall in love with." Nikki whispered, so quietly that he could barely hear it himself.

Mrs. Sullivan smiled softly, squeezing Nikki's shoulder.

"I've got to be going, lots of students to go see and congratulate. Have a good night, boys." And with that, she was gone.

Tommy handed the cake plate back to Nikki.

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