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The rest of the day came and went. Nikki had a study hall final period every other day, a class he usually skipped because he didn't do anything there, anyway. On the opposite days he had a double period of science. Normally Mrs. Sullivan was the person who supervised the class while they did work or whatever it may be, but now she was gone.

Nikki was curious if Mr. Lee would be taking over that position as well.

Sure enough, when he trotted into eighth period, his new teacher was seated at the desk, bent over a fat book. Nikki wasn't sure if he was paying attention at all, but he'd rather have Mr. Lee read his book than glance up and see the blush on Nikki's face that had arisen just from laying eyes on the teacher.

It made him feel so dirty and wrong.

But that almost made it more fun.

Nikki would never make a move - maybe after he graduated, if he could make contact again with Mr. Lee. He'd have to become friends with him now, at the very least. And what part of Mr. Lee made him think he was anything but straight? The eyeliner, nail polish - perfectly curled locks? He was simply too perfect for Nikki. Even if he wasn't his student, he was beyond lower than Mr. Lee's league.

He would have to get out of the habit of calling him Mr. Lee. Tommy was a much more fitting name, anyway. Mr. Lee was too professional for the most-likely goofball seated at the teacher's desk now.

The study hall class was relatively small, maybe ten kids, and half of them didn't usually show up anyway. Today it was just Nikki, an annoying sophomore redhead named Axl, and a blonde girl who ignored them both. This was Nikki's chance.

Grasping onto his nerves and his shared love for rock 'n roll with the teacher, he dropped his stuff at the table directly next to the desk and plopped down in the seat, flashing a smile to Mr. Lee, who glanced up at the sudden noise and grinned.

"Hey, Nikki."

Nikki's heart warmed as he realized Mr. Lee had remembered his preferred name.

"Hi, Mr. Lee." Nikki began, trying to sound confident, but his voice nearly cracked.

"Please, call me Tommy. I'm like, a year or two older than you. I don't even know how I was chosen for this, I'm so new into my college." Newly named Tommy chuckled, sliding a bookmark into his literature and closing it. Nikki had his full attention. He felt special.

"I saw that you like rock on your paper, too." Tommy nearly giggled, clasping his hands in his lap. Nikki thought it was adorable and found him leaning on his hand, a dumb smile working its way onto his lips.

"My favorite band is Kiss, what about you?" Nikki smiled, eyes glinting with something Tommy just couldn't read.

Nikki was something new to Tommy. With his tight, ripped jeans and worn combat boots, matched with a dark t-shirt and leather jacket, he was a regular bad boy on the outside. His hair was easily larger than Tommy's, huge and jet-black. It covered his eyes in parts, even with the bandana to hold it up a bit. Intelligent emerald eyes were outlined in eyeliner beneath the fluff ball called his head. Tommy loved his eyes ever since he'd first seen them earlier in the day. He felt an attraction, a pull, towards Nikki - it made him sick to his stomach to think that he may be starting to like Nikki. He was his student, even if they were only a year or so apart - it was wrong. But he pulled himself together and never let the grin slide. He never wanted to let Nikki think he wasn't interested in talking to him, just because he was too stuck in his head.

"I love Kiss! They're my favorite, too! I've loved them since I picked up Alive! in the record shop." Tommy grinned, drumming his fingers on the desk. Nikki noticed he was always doing something with his fingers.

"Yeah. I started playing bass because of Gene Simmons." Nikki murmured softly, letting his bangs tumble into his eyes. Tommy frowned, although Nikki couldn't see this. Tommy couldn't view Nikki's beautiful eyes anymore.

"Anyway, you're a nice, attractive guy. You've got a girlfriend, don't cha?" Tommy changed the subject, sensing that Nikki wanted to drop it, although he couldn't tell why.

"Girlfriend? Ha!" Nikki laughed, lowering his voice before speaking again. "I'm gay as hell, dude. Hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable."

Tommy's eyebrows shot to the roof, before nodding quickly.

"No, no.. I'm gay, too. That's cool." Tommy laughed softly, tossing his hair over his shoulder. Nikki wanted to run his fingers through it.

"Your hair is really pretty." Nikki murmured, slapping his hand over his mouth and catching himself before he said anything else that sounded strange. Tommy definitely giggled this time, twirling some of it around his finger in a playful manner.

Nikki cleared his throat, pretending that he had been scratching his nose, not shutting himself up.

"Anyway, would you wanna hang out sometime after school? As friends, not.. student and teacher.. heh." The younger of the two laughed awkwardly, their situation pressing harshly into their backs as they were reminded that they were indeed student and teacher.

Tommy never had agreed to something faster in his life.

"What about meeting at the pizzeria down the road from here Friday - tomorrow - around four? We could hit the movie theatre after that, there's that new horror movie that just came out that seemed cool. If you're into that kinda thing." Tommy suggested, waggling his eyebrows. By the nearly maniacal grin spreading across Nikki's lips, Tommy knew he had hit a good spot.

"Hell. Yes. I'm so down. You are easily the coolest dude in this whole damn school - I'm so glad you got chosen to fill in for Mrs. Sullivan." Nikki laughed softly, eyes softening as he cocked his head a tad to the left. It made Tommy smile involuntarily.

"Honestly, me too. I thought this would be a drag, being away from my college friends for months - but I think I've just found someone better than all them combined."

Nikki blushed, even though it was nowhere near something he should blush at.

"Thanks, man." He giggled, playing with his hair a bit nervously. Tommy leaned back in the rolling chair, smirking.

"Anytime, babe. Now - I was wondering-"

"Babe?" Nikki echoed, jaw dropping just a bit. He realized he has cut Tommy off and bit his lip, staring down at the desk, ashamed. Tommy frowned at the younger boy.

"I call all my friends 'babe'. Is that.. alright?" Tommy lied through his teeth, wishing he was more free to flirt with Nikki but the situation just wouldn't allow it. He'd explain it away tomorrow.

"Y-yeah, hah.." Nikki murmured, mood suddenly deflated. He checked his watch, seeing that school would be dismissing in two minutes.

"H-hey, I'll talk to you tomorrow, yeah? I'm really grateful that I met you." Tommy murmured, standing up when Nikki did to shoulder his bag. The student nodded, smiling shyly at his new friend. Tommy's hand grazed Nikki's arm before pulling away and sitting back down in his chair. With a final smile the bell rang, and Nikki exited the room with a new purpose.

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