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Nikki managed to get out of the car before Tommy could get the door for him this time, following the older man up the steps to his apartment. Nikki walked in first, eyes trailing around the artfully decorated walls.

"I never knew how into art you were." Nikki laughed softly, feeling Tommy's hands slip around his belly and pull him close as he gazed at the walls. Tommy was flush against Nikki's back now, leaning down as his lips caressed the smaller boy's ear and neck. Nikki sighed softly, holding back a moan. He didn't want to go all the way - yet. Tommy had still promised him a movie, and a movie meant cuddle time and lots of kisses. Nikki wanted to be held.

"They were cheap at a garage sale." Tommy laughed quietly, lips still close to Nikki's ear. The shorter boy nodded.

"What kinda movie do you wanna watch?" Nikki asked softly, changing the dying subject, leaning back into Tommy's grasp.

"Anything you like, sweetheart. It's up to you. Wanna see my tapes and pick?"

Nikki nodded again, allowing Tommy to steer them into his small living room. An old, soft couch and a small television. Nikki wandered over to the cabinet Tommy pointed to, kneeling down to flip through his tapes.

"Do you want popcorn? I'll make some." Tommy offered, a yawn escaping his lips.

"That would be wonderful, baby." Nikki smiled sweetly. With that, Tommy trotted off to toss a bag in the microwave.

Nikki picked out Dirty Dancing. He wasn't sure why Tommy even owned it, but it was so dumb of a movie that they just had to watch it. And maybe Nikki wanted to take advantage of all the kissing scenes. Maybe.

Tommy reemerged from the kitchen a minute later, bowl of popcorn in hand and two bottles of Coke.

"Whatcha got there, beautiful?" He murmured, setting the food down on the side table. He snickered at Nikki's choice in movie, planting a kiss on his cheek and taking the tape from him. While Nikki snatched up a blanket and got comfy, Tommy pushed the tape in. He joined Nikki under the covers a moment later, but not before removing his shirt over his head.

Nikki, bowl of popcorn in hand, snuggled up to Tommy immediately, resting his head on his bare chest. The older man smiled, running his fingers through Nikki's soft hair.

"Tommy?" Nikki murmured softly as the movie began. The other man hummed a soft reply that Nikki could feel as much as hear.

"Yeah, baby?"

Nikki gulped, feeling Tommy's delicate hand trail down his back.

"What are we?"

Tommy's hand paused before continuing, as if representing his train of thought.

"What would you like us to be? I don't want to force you into anything you aren't ready for." He replied softly, gaze flickering between the television screen and Nikki's huge eyes staring up at him.

"I want to be your boyfriend. I-I really think I love you, Tommy.."

"I want that too, Nik. But what about the fact that I'm your.."

"I don't care," Nikki cut him off curtly. "You're only a substitute. You're a student just as much as I am - it's not wrong. It definitely won't be wrong after you leave."

Tommy thought for a moment, fingers still tangling through Nikki's dark locks. He decided Nikki was right, and sealed his fate.

"Nikki, will you be mine? Officially?"

"Of course."

Nikki stretched, pressing his lips to Tommy's for a moment before going back for more popcorn.

"You're so cute, y'know." Tommy laughed softly, hand finally resting on the small of Nikki's back.

"You're cuter." Nikki mumbled over his mouthful of popcorn, unhealthy butter that had dribbled down his chin gleaming in the light of the television. Tommy chuckled, wondering how he could have ever gotten so lucky for this cutie to love him back.

One hour into the movie, Tommy was laid back on the couch, one hand behind his head, the other on Nikki, who was sprawled out on top of him. The smaller boy's head was rested on his firm chest, gorgeous shimmering eyes shut in sleep. He snored lightly as Tommy rubbed his back, one foot dangling off the sofa. The movie played on but Tommy was more interested in the beautiful soul on top of him, and how he was going to move them over to the bedroom. Tommy had slept on this couch before, and it was hell.

Nikki had awoken just before the movie ended, breath warm on Tommy's pectorals.

"Hi." Nikki whispered, watching the credits begin to roll on the flickering screen.

"Hey, babe.." Tommy smiled, sitting up and moving Nikki to his lap. They exchanged a soft kiss before parting.

"Bed?" Tommy asked quietly.

"Bed." Nikki murmured in agreement, sliding off Tommy's lap and onto the sofa. He watched as his boyfriend removed the tape and put it away, flicking off the tv.

Nikki unraveled himself from the blanket, taking Tommy's hand as he led him to the bedroom. Once inside, both stripped down to their boxers, slipping under the covers and into each other's arms once again.

"I love you so much." Tommy whispered, feeling Nikki's nose pressing softly into his neck.

"I love you so much, too." The bassist replied, curling up in Tommy's arms. He had never felt so safe, so warm, so loved. Nikki's legs tangled with Tommy's under the blankets as he attached himself to the older man like a vice grip. Tommy chuckled, feeling Nikki's lips brush his Adam's apple.

"You make me feel special," Nikki murmured, his breath prickling Tommy's skin. "You make me feel safe."

Tommy hummed softly in reply, the need for sleep tugging at his eyelids and making them heavy, but he refused to sleep yet.

"I hope so. I want to make you feel cared for, and loved - it's the least you deserve."

"I don't deserve you, though. I mean, really - look at you, Tommy. You've got yourself in a fancy college, you're working towards a stable life - you've got it all sorted out. Me? I'm just a dumb kid that plays bass. Rock 'n roll is my only hope." Nikki snickered softly at himself, feeling Tommy pull him closer.

"Ah, bullshit. My parents wanted me to become a teacher, so I went along with them. My real dream is to be a drummer, but it'll never happen. That's what everyone told me, that I could never make it. Follow your dream, Nikki. Don't get stuck like me."

Nikki paused, holding his breath. Tommy didn't want this life?

"I'm sorry- I.. I don't know what to say."

Tommy smiled pitifully down at him.

"You still have a chance. Take it."

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