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The time continued to pass.

Winter break came and went. A new year rolled in, 1981. The two boys spent every other day at each other's places, whether it was chilling and listening to music or going out for lunch and record shopping.

Their relationship grew stronger and stronger, both men sure they'd get through this tough school-time. Just a few more months.

Spring flowers were starting to bloom when Tommy got a call from his parents that they were coming to visit on Friday to see how he was doing and have dinner. They lived about two hours away, and it was a long trip for them since they'd be driving. Of course Tommy was happy to have them visit. But there was a just one problem.

Tommy's parents were seriously homophobic. He was afraid of how they'd react to him having a steady boyfriend. Of course he had already come out - he was slapped and told that he'd get through this phase. What a lie.

And he also knew that Nikki would want to meet them no matter what. Tommy couldn't let that happen.

Tommy decided not to tell Nikki, keeping the secret of the visit up until two days before. It was starting to eat away at him, especially when Nikki suggested going out for dinner on Friday night.

"I can't, babe. Sorry." Tommy sighed softly, feeling Nikki's gaze soften as he frowned from his spot on Tommy's lap.


"I've just.. I've got something going on. Y'know. Busy." Tommy covered awkwardly, hating every word that came out of his mouth.

"You're lying. Why are you lying?" Nikki slid off his lap onto the sofa cushions, cocking his head as he looked at him. Tommy couldn't hold his intense gaze.

"I..I'm sorry."

"Tommy, you can tell me anything. You know that.." Nikki murmured, grabbing hold of his boyfriend's hand.

"My parents are coming to visit." Tommy blurted out. He immediately felt heat burning on his forehead, and he couldn't even bear to look at Nikki.

"That's.. that's all? Tommy, it'll be fine. It'll be great, actually. I'm sure they'll love me." Nikki giggled. Tommy would've thought that it was cute if he wasn't so flustered.

"No, they won't. You aren't meeting them. You can't."

Nikki stared at him, puzzled, smile dropping off his face. He looked like a puppy that had just been kicked. Tommy felt as if he was shrinking under the weight of Nikki's gaze, the disappointment brimming in his eyes.

"Baby, I-" Tommy started.

"Why? Are you ashamed of me? Do you not want them to know you're dating a guy?" Nikki accused, cutting him off, folding his arms over his chest. Tommy quickly shook his head, unable to piece his words together to make a sentence.

"N-no! No, baby, it's not that at all, I- I... fuck.." Tommy buried his face in his hands, feeling his cheeks heat up and his eyes start to water.

"Tell me what's going on, Tommy. Why can't I meet your parents? We've been together for almost half a year now. We're serious, Tom! You met mine so long ago. What's stopping you?"

Tommy didn't answer, whimpering softly into his hands. He could feel Nikki's mood darken.

"You're ashamed of me," Nikki concluded, standing up from the couch. "Fine. Whatever. I'm going home. Come talk to me if you want to explain yourself and tell me the real fucking reason." He growled, grabbing his jacket and shoving his feet into his boots. Tommy couldn't muster a word as he watched Nikki storm out of his apartment, slamming the door behind him. He let out a sob as he realized what he had done.

It was still light thanks to spring's arrival, but the butterflies and scent of fresh flowers only saturated Nikki's mood furthermore. The sun shining down on him made his skin burn under his leather jacket, but he didn't care. He popped the collar.

He couldn't believe Tommy's change in attitude. He was so sure that Tommy had only hidden their relationship so no one would find out that he was currently dating his replacement teacher, but now it was clear that it was a whole other reason altogether.

Nikki's combat boots crunched against the dirt and rocks next to the road, kicking along a particularly large stone as he walked. Despite his anger, he was dying for Tommy to appear outside, calling for him to come back, to tell him he was sorry.

But no Tommy appeared, and Nikki trudged home alone.

He knew relationships had troubles, and he knew not to give up - of course he and Tommy would fight. But this just didn't feel like a fight. This felt like Tommy didn't truly love him.

His heart was aching as he pushed open the front door, finding a note from his mother saying that they'd gone out for dinner. Without him, of course, as they expected that he was staying over at Tommy's. Not anymore.

Nikki kicked off his boots, stomping up the stairs and throwing himself onto his bed. Alone now, his anger subsided, giving way to his other emotions.

The tears began to prickle his eyes, and he let them loose, racing down his cheeks one after the other. He sobbed freely into his pillow, curling his knees up to his chest. His makeup streamed down his face, giving him long black markings until he looked like Alice Cooper.

It had lasted so long. Nikki couldn't wrap his head around the fact that this could be the end.

If Tommy was ashamed of being with him, Nikki refused to love him. No matter how much it hurt.

Tommy didn't have any motivation anymore now that Nikki had gone. His absence left a heavy silence, one that was usually filled with soft kisses and sweet laughter. He'd only been gone an hour and Tommy already missed him desperately. He had been frozen on his spot on the couch since he'd left.

No dinner for him tonight, no shower. No bed. Bed was too lonely. Bed reminded him that Nikki wasn't in bed with him. Tommy curled up on the sofa and fell into an uncomfortable, cold sleep.

Nikki's parents came home to find him sound asleep on his bed, still fully dressed. Neither noticed the streaks down his face, thanks to it being buried in his now-stained pillow. Both were puzzled, but figured he had just come home early to do homework or something.

Nikki's dreams were full of Tommy and he woke in a cold sweat around midnight, growling under his breath that he would never love again.

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