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"Happy birthday Nikki!"

Midnight on the dot, Nikki woke from his slumber in Tommy's arms with a start to his boyfriend shouting and gazing down lovingly at him.

He had tried to stay up so he could watch the clock flick to his birthday, but had failed miserably. December 11th was off and ticking, and Nikki now had a hyperactive boyfriend to deal with in the wee hours of the morning. He was glad that they had already stripped into their nightclothes, as it left less things to do before bed. And bed was now. Tommy thought Nikki looked particularly cute, wearing his boxers and knee-high socks with a big button-up shirt.

"Thanks, love.. can we go to bed now?" Nikki yawned, curling back up in Tommy's lap.

"No, no! What about the birthday cake? The party? The snacks!"

"Cake later today, Tommy. Party later. Not at midnight. Bedtime." Nikki sighed, standing up on wobbly legs and tugging Tommy up with him. They stumbled onto Nikki's bed from their spot on the floor, collapsing together in a heap of fluffy dark hair and furry teenager legs.

Nikki only hoped Tommy that hadn't woken his parents up with his shouting, or that the sound of the bed springs hadn't made it sound like they were banging. That was the last thing he needed his mother to walk in on, or even just think about.

"Nikki, I'm not tired."

"You are so fucking tired. You're acting like you're five, T-Bone. Sleep." Nikki yawned, drifting off with adrenalized Tommy trapped in his arms. Eventually, his exhaustion caught up with him, and Tommy, too, fell victim to sleep.

It just took a while.

Nikki woke up around ten, yawning softly and burying his nose in Tommy's soft curls.

"Good morning, baby." Nikki murmured, feeling Tommy squirm in his arms and turn to face him.

"Happy birthday, Nik-nok."

"Thanks, Salami." Nikki rolled his eyes playfully, feeling Tommy regain his dominant position and pull him against his bare chest. He snuggled into Tommy's warmth, feeling his boyfriend's hands wandering up and down his back.

They laid for a few minutes in bliss, soft kisses being exchanged until Nikki's bedroom door opened quietly. Nikki was glad the comforter was over them so whoever was coming in didn't have to see Tommy getting handsy all over his ass.

It was his mother, who smiled softly and carried in a tray. Nikki sat up, head cocking to the side in confusion. Tommy sat up as well, yawning.

"Happy birthday, honey.. I made breakfast for you. And Tommy, too, of course." She smiled sweetly, laying the tray on the bed. It had two plates full of pancakes and bacon, plus a couple glasses of orange juice.

"Thank you so much." Nikki grinned, reaching over the tray to hug his mother tightly. She kissed him lightly on the cheek before leaving again, closing the door behind her.

"She's so unbelievably sweet." Tommy laughed softly as Nikki sat back down next to him, tugging the covers up over their laps. They ate in content silence, their plates being cleaned quickly.

Nikki moved the tray on to the floor when they were both done, smiling over at Tommy, who waggled his eyebrows.

"Birthday sex?" Nikki suggested, giggling.

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