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As time went by, things began to return to normal.

Tommy and Nikki spent all of their downtime together, and between the two of them working for decent wages, Tommy was easily able to keep the apartment. Nikki couldn't wait to graduate and move in.

Nikki's parents accepted their son and Tommy being together.. again. And Tommy's parents tried their very hardest to understand why Tommy "dropped out of college because it didn't feel right", but just couldn't. Tommy certainly didn't feel the need to force them to.

The band practiced more, and they got better and better. As late spring turned to early summer, a set of songs began to take shape. Excitement coursed through every practice. May shifted to June. With about two weeks left in school, Mötley Crüe was almost ready to take their first record deal.

The sun shone down bright early on the first Saturday morning of June, sending warm shudders along the exposed skin of the two boys laying in the lush field. The smaller one yawned, covering his emerald eyes with his forearm as the clouds above gave no shelter from the burning sun. The taller one laughed softly, arm around the other boy's shoulders, holding him against his chest.

The smaller one shook out his hair, wiping some beading sweat off his forehead. He rolled up his already-short shorts, the fresh grass under him doing nothing to cool him down.

A soft kiss was pressed to his cheek, a light chuckle sounding in his ear. He giggled, nuzzling into his boyfriend's cheek.

"Is the sun hot enough for you?" Tommy teased, stretching out on the grass with a laugh. Nikki groaned playfully, tangling his legs with Tommy's.

"You're the hottest thing out here, babe, what are you talking about?" The bassist giggled, feeling Tommy reach down and intertwine their fingers between them.

"What a lie.. that's all you." The taller boy rolled his eyes, glancing over. Nikki's hair was done wildly, as normal - a sharp contrast to his own, flat curls. He had put them in a ponytail to help with the heat.

This may have just been the warmest summer they'd had in years. The last time Nikki remembered a summer this hot, he was maybe seven. Everywhere was hot. Inside, outside. The air conditioning barely did anything. And having a gorgeous boyfriend that Nikki couldn't keep his little hands off... well, the sex was hot in more than one way.

They had woken up around six today - before the sun got extremely hot - for a walk in the local park. It had been closed for "renovation" for the past few months, but all they really did was add some benches and redo the playground. But Nikki was excited to go back to his old childhood place for the first time in a long time - so of course, Tommy took him there on the first day they could.

It was about eight in the morning now, and after walking in circles around Nikki's beloved park and playing for a while on the swing set, they found themselves laying far out in the verdant baseball field. The grass was bright and in pristine shape, shimmering dew dried off earlier in the morning. To Tommy, the green surrounding them brought out Nikki's eyes, but his lover's gaze still shone brighter.

The laughter of children in the distance brought physical joy to Tommy's world, besides Nikki next to him. The smaller boy giggled, poking Tommy on the nose.

"What's up, kitten?" Tommy laughed softly.

"You spaced out, puppy." Nikki kissed him softly, gently rubbing his lover's chest.

"I can't help it.. it's such a wonderful day. I'd love to just lay out here all day with you and nap." Tommy chuckled, sliding his eyes shut. Nikki wouldn't have this.

"No, no.. stay awake, you nerd. I wanna see your pretty eyes." The bassist prodded at his boyfriend's face, making him laugh. He refused to open his eyes, though.

"Nah, I think I'm just a little sleepy.." Tommy snickered, feeling Nikki poking at his cheeks.

"No.." Nikki pouted, grumbling. He folded his arms over his chest, rolling over and ignoring his boyfriend. Tommy laughed, reaching out and grabbing Nikki around the waist, pulling him tightly against his chest and spooning him. Nikki giggled, feeling Tommy's arms wrap around his body.

"I love you, drummer boy." Nikki murmured, turning around in Tommy's arms and pressing their lips together for just a second. Tommy's hands tangled into Nikki's hair, laughing softly.

"I love you, too.. I never want to get up. Can this be our new home?" The drummer joked, smiling goofily.

"Well, the rent sure is cheaper.." Nikki laughed, nuzzling into his boyfriend's neck. "But it'd be cold in the winter."

Tommy snickered, sitting up and taking Nikki with him.

"Do you wanna go get ice cream? There's a cart near the entrance of the park that we saw when we came in." The drummer suggested with a soft smile.

"That'd be great." Nikki grinned, hopping up to his feet and stretching. They walked hand-in-hand together across the park, swinging their arms between them.

A gentle breeze teased the backs of their shoulders, exposed in their tank tops. The brightness of the world around them made Nikki's mood soar, and suddenly he couldn't pull the stupid smile off his face. There was just something about summer. No school, no responsibilities. Just fun. Even though school wasn't out yet, the summer season never failed to destress Nikki.

They found themselves at the ice cream cart a few minutes later. Nikki picked out a bomb pop while Tommy got a push-up pop.

Nikki sucked on his ice pop while Tommy paid, soft lips turning bright red. His boyfriend gently took his hand again after, and they trotted off, starting to make their way home.

Nikki was far more interested in his ice cream than Tommy on the way home. He was so precious; it was making Tommy's heart squeeze. He almost dropped his own popsicle because he was too busy watching his boyfriend.

"What?" Nikki giggled, licking his lips when he finally noticed Tommy's gaze.

"You're just really cute." Tommy admitted, laughing. Nikki grinned, his teeth stained purple now.

"Thanks, babe." Nikki puckered his lips, accepting the soft kiss when Tommy gave it to him.

It was about a fifteen minute's walk back to Tommy's apartment. Nikki spent nearly all his time there, only sleeping at his own house when his parents wanted him to. He had no need to stay with his parents, as he walked to school every day anyway and there was no bus that went by his house to pick him up in the morning. The apartment was becoming more of Nikki's home than his own house. Wherever Tommy resided was home sweet home.

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