Life Story: Part 1/3

Start from the beginning

She went to sleep, waking every couple hours in fear of being dragged from bed and being beaten. She woke when the sun was just coming up, and began the walk to the Diner. She rang the bell, and anxiously waited for Mitch, when he didn't come to the counter, she began worrying. 

She looked in the kitchen, and screamed when she saw Mitch beaten, bloody, and dead. "M-mitch!?" She asked, she backed away. She ran home, and tried to figure out what to do. "Oh no, oh no! This is all my fault, he's dead because of me! If i hadn't gone to the bar, he'd still be alive." She panicked. She calmed herself down and went to find some work. Anything she could do to make enough money to be able to eat, and keep the house.

She searched everywhere, but no one would hire her, except the bounty hunter leader, Tritch. "So...wh-what do i have to do?" Roxy asked nervously. "I tell you to kill someone, you do it. You do it clean, and silently, understand?" He asked, "I understand, yes. But what did they do? Did they wrong you?" She asked, "No, they have a bounty for a reason, not sure why, you just shoot, and shut up. Now, can you drive a ship?" Asked Tritch. "Y-yes." She replied. "Alright, here's a gun, smokebombs, knives, and a holopad. Go to Coruscant and find this man, Kill him and leave him at his appartment, my guys will take care of the rest." He told her.

Roxy went to the ship and did as she was told. When she arrived on Coruscant, it was raining. She looked around, and checked the holopad, the man was supposed to be in his appartment, and she followed the directions to the place. She snuck into the building, and found his room. She picked the lock, and found him sleeping in his bed. She took a shaky breath, and shot him. She took a deep breath and hurried back to the ship before she was caught. 

She returned to Delrakkin a few hours later, and got paid for her work. "Nice job, kid. You did it quick and quiet. I like that, i'll have to keep you around." Said Tritch. Roxy faked a smile, and took the money, and left. "What did that man do? Was he innocent? Did i kill an innocent man?!" She asked herself. Her knees went weak and she put her head in her hands. 

"No, no no. No more crying, if i'm gonna do this job i have to be strong, no crying." She told herself. Three years she killed the people she was told too, constantly thinking if it needed to be done, if they were innocent. She never flinched, she saw over a hundred people die by her hands, and never flinched. 

**Three years later**

She walked into her house, and sat on the floor. "That woman had a child, and i killed her.." She said quietly. She heard noise outside but ignored it. "She was probably innocent, and i killed her, now that child will orphaned. I..i'm a monster.." She said quietly. "I'm a monster!" She yelled, and she began crying. Tears fell on her armor she stole from a market. "I-i'm not innocent, i'm not a good person, i'm a horrible monster...i've killed people...innocent people probably." She cried. 

"If i'm not innocent i need to take care of myself.." She whispered. She grabbed her DC-17, and held it up to her temple. She took a few deep breaths, and put her finger on the trigger. "Goodbye world.." She said.

Before she could pull the trigger, she heard gun-fire outside. Then, the door was kicked down, and in rushed..clones? "All droids, no assassin!" Shouted one of them. Roxy had the trigger a quarter way in, then one with blue armor and marking on his helmet rushed in. 

"I found a girl!" He yelled, he noticed the gun she had held to her head, "Kid! Don't!" he yelled, he ran over and knelt down, taking the blaster from her. Roxy began crying, "Shh, it's okay kid. We're gonna take you home." He said, and removed his helmet. He had short blonde hair, and short stubble for a beard. 

"Th-this is my home.." Roxy sobbed. The clone looked over to a man with longish hair, and a lightsaber. "Alright, listen kid. I don't know what your goin' though, but suicide is no way to fix anythin'...ok?" he told her, Roxy nodded, and kept crying. "It's gonna be okay....settle down.." He said. He picked her up and walked out of the building. 

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